CHAPTER 60: Magna Carta

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 "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice."


Kosuke kicked the door leading to the Kantei Special Reception Room, the prime minister's residence. His livid mood contradicted the place's 'bright' feeling – luminous ceilings, walls striped with horse chestnut wood and stainless steel, peaceful ambiance. He was unstoppable in his march from the entrance all the way to the fourth floor, armed with nothing but his clenched fists and his eyes burning with wrath. He prevailed over those who blocked his way by austerely walking past them, as if not perceiving their presence. Those who were persistent were knocked back by his fists and pushed down to the floor. The others simply gave way, even bowing to him in fright as he strode without saying a word.

 "DON'T assume that I came here to demand an explanation."

Yamazaki Daisuke remained calm, sitting on the comfy seat while sipping his cup of mint tea. He did not turn around to face Kosuke, his gaze directed towards the tall glass window overlooking the streets.

"I have no idea what you're planning to do," Kosuke pulled down his tie to loosen it. "But whatever it is, I'll make sure you'll fail."

Before he could continue, however, Daisuke put down his tea and interjected, "Kosuke, why don't you leave Japan?"


"While you still have a chance," Daisuke placed the cup on top of the table before him. He stood up, took out an envelope from his coat, and held it towards Kosuke, "Leave Japan as soon as possible and never come back."

"What the hell are you saying?" Kosuke's eyes were fixed on the sealed envelope he refused to take. "Tell me what's going on."

"I thought you wouldn't demand an explanation," Daisuke replied. "Don't you realize that there's no way out of this mess? You're just going to lose. You're making endless, pointless sacrifices. They're not worth it, Kosuke. So… just run away. The best thing to do is to run away."

"I'm not going back to being a coward," Kosuke shook his head, glaring at his stepfather.

"Let's not talk about pride here, son," Daisuke said. "It is for your own safety. I'm saying this for your own good."

"My own good? You don't know anything about 'my own good'. Why should I believe a word you say?" Kosuke pointed his finger at him. "Everything you told me from then until now – they're all lies. You can never put a leash around my neck again."

"So what are you going to do now?" Daisuke placed the sealed envelope back into his coat. "Kill me?"

"No. You and I both know that I'm not a good gangster. I can't kill people like killing ants. I'm not like you," Kosuke said. "Letting me out of jail is the biggest mistake you made."

Then, Kosuke turned around and headed towards the door, "My method would not be bloody, but it would be brutal. This time, I'm going to put an end to you, Father."

"Until when are we staying in this place?"

None of them knew the answer to Okamoto Shizuki's inquiry. Everyone fell silent, including Sato Yuken who sat down on the floor next to her. He sighed heavily as he stared blankly at the ceiling of the whitewashed underground Crescent Vault which stood directly beneath their old high school, Tsuzuya Academy. The secret room was nowhere as big as the Swiss Vault, yet it sufficed for a hiding place. Ayanami Fuuko led them to the secret passage right after they escaped from the Jieitai the previous night.

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