Chapter 14

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Loki lead me forward, gently taking ahold of my bare shoulders and leading me towards a table.

"Now, my servant, my food has just arrived and I'd like you to feed it to me."

I groaned, kneeling beside him. "Fine, let's get this over with, my king."

"On my lap."

I nearly dropped the food that I was shoveling onto a fork.

That cruel, sadistic, man.

"As you wish, my lord."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I lowered myself onto his lap. Before I would've much enjoyed this, but never again would I get caught up in his games. This man was the reason my fiancé got sent down to earth and for that I would never forgive him.

I felt one of Loki's arms wrap around my torso and the other supporting my right leg. His cold fingers splayed out across my skin caused me to shiver, but not from pleasure. My heart began to pound as I hand fed him a spoonful of potatoes. He chewed happily, watching me wreathe in misery.

"Angel, you can at least look like you're enjoying yourself."

"I'm sorry, my king." I hissed between clenched teeth. "Would a smile please you?"

"A smile would be pleasant. And maybe just lean back a bit, enjoy yourself. You are with the king of Asgard after all." His thin lips brushed up against my ear. "Do you know how many peasant girls would love to be in your place right now?"

I didn't answer.

"Well, my darling, you may stand up and help me with my daily duties."

I quickly slid of his lap, the uncomfortable feel of his erection against my ass was gone.

"Why don't we go and see if there are any chores we can get you to do?" Loki puzzled. "Let's check the stables shall we?"

The stables? Why would he want to go there?

When we got there, I saw a huge tin of water, alongside about three jugs of horse shampoo.

"It seems to me that the stable boy has neglected his job, but you can always do it for him."

"You want me to wash the horses, my king?" I asked.

Loki nodded.

"In this?" I gestured to my dress.

"That makes the task all more amusing to watch."

I growled, turning towards the huge tin, and dragging it out into the corral. As I bent down to pick up the shampoo, I noticed Loki's intense green eyes staring at my ass. I immediately stood up, flashing him an evil glare, before moving to grab a horse. I unlatched the lock on a beautiful palomino's cage, leading it into the corral. I tied the halter to the fence and set to work. Loki's eyes never seemed to falter as they raked up and down my body, watching my curves as I would use a rag to scrub the soap onto the horse. It got rather tiring after awhile, but it was well-behaved and just stayed in place while I was working. As I was busy scrubbing at the horse's neck, I felt a wet, soapy, sponge hit my back, seeping through my dress and soaking my hair. A small scream left my lips as I turned around to see Loki nearly doubled over laughing.

"What the hell?" I yelled. "That wasn't funny!"

"Angel, your reaction was priceless!"

He continued to crack up, freezing in shock as a wet cloth hit him square in the face. I burst out laughing, watching his face twist up in anger and excitement. My heart was pounding as I grabbing the sponge he threw at me, and filled it up with water, running behind the horse to hide. Loki did the same with the rag, except he raced after me. I screamed, flicking water from the sponge in his direction. He wiped the water from his face, only to snake an arm around my waist and pull me into his strong grasp. I was a hysterical giggling mess as Loki squeezed out the rag on top of my head, face contorting into a laugh, as I squealed in shock, shoving my sponge in his face. We were both desperately trying to catch our breaths, but neither of us could look at each other without laughing again.

"Well, that was not how I planned today to go, but this was definitely worth while, don't you think?"

I laughed. "It sure was something. Now let's go and get dried off."

I grabbed a few towels, and handed one to Loki who immediately started to wipe himself down. I did the same, running the cloth over my soaking wet dress. Water clung to every part of my body and I began to feel cold.

I started to walk towards the stables, but Loki caught my arm. "Angel, here, let's get you back to the palace to change. I'll get someone to clean this up for us."

"But, Loki, it's our mess-" I protested.

"Nonsense. Your health is more important."

I nodded, grateful, as he slipped an arm around my shoulders and lead me back to the palace. We got back to Loki's room and he sent for a maid to go and get clothes for me while I showered. I had never been in Loki's bathroom before, let alone his shower.

But it was different somehow, more confined while Thor's was more roomy. I liked it better.

I climbed out, wrapping a towel around my body. My clothes were not on the bathroom sink, so the maids must've put them in Loki's room. I shivered, feeling the cold tile against my toes as I slipped towards the door that led to his room. I poked my head around the door frame, seeing Loki by his closet with his back turned. He was shirtless, and I could see the strong contours of his shoulders, as he shuffled through his clothes.

If I could just get to the bed and back before him noticing...

It was worth a shot. My pulse quickened under pressure, as I slunk towards the bed. Just as I was about to grab my clothes, Loki turned around, his eyes darkening with lust when he saw me in just a towel.

"Why hello, angel. Going somewhere?"

I froze, clutching the towel to my thin frame. "I, uh, was just getting my clothes."

"You're always welcome to change in here, love."

"I'd rather not."

"Your choice, but at least let me carry these for you." He gently took the clothes out of my hand and placed them on the bathroom sink. "There you go."

"Thank you." I muttered, going to change.

"Oh, trust me, angel. It was my pleasure."

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