Chapter 22

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I awoke to an empty bed.

"Loki?" I muttered into the silent loneliness of his bedroom.

He was gone.

"No!" My heart broke inside, the feeling of abandonment soaring inside me. "I didn't even get to say goodbye."


Days passed. Weeks. A few months.

I was depressed. I wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and my mind never faltered to think about him. The worst part was he was in the palace. Odin had granted me to only one visit to the dungeons, and that was when he was released from his hold. I didn't know how much longer I could hold out from seeing him.

A few more days passed, and the wanting became unbearable. I had to see him, whether Odin liked it or not.

That night, when the palace was asleep, I crept, cloaked, through the darkness down to the prisons. It was hard to slip through the door unnoticed, and I caught the attention of a guard holding watch.

"What do you think you're doing, little missy?"

"I'd like to see the Prince, please."

"The prince is not to be shown to anyone. Allfather's orders."

As he spoke, I hid my hand behind me, making a knife out of ice. Quickly spinning around, I pressed it to his throat, pushing him against the wall. The floor around me started to freeze solid, but I was in no mood to care.

"I'm not asking you again." I sneered, pulling back the hood of my cloak. "Show me where Loki's cell is!"

"You're Tyr's daughter! Lover of the Prince!"

"Good job, you know who I am." I smirked. "Now what's it going to be?"

The young guard stared at me with wide eyes, small beads of sweat gathering on his forehead.

"Alright, alright. I'll show you."

As he led me down through the dark dungeon, I got a couple of whistles and shouts thrown at me as I passed by the cells. I normally wouldn't have warn this revealing of a dress, but I did it for Loki's sake. I quietly followed the guard, pacing up to the last prison at the end of the hall.

"He's in here."

"Open it for me, and make sure no one knows I'm here."

"But, m'lady-"

I pulled out the knife again, keeping at my side. "Want to rethink that?"

"Go right in." He unlocked the door, and I slipped inside.

Loki was sitting on his bed, in a quiet heap. He wore green loungewear, and was barefoot. His normal well kept hair was longer, down past his shoulders, and his green eyes, which were focused on his hands, looked broken, their playful glimmer, no more. I frowned. Seeing him in such a upset state made me feel anything but regret coming here. He needed me as much as I did him.

"Someone very dear to you seeks your presence, my prince." I spoke slowly.

If only I could pretend to be the guard to joke with him.

"Tell them I do not want to see anyone at this time."

"But, my prince, they say that it is an emergency-"

"I told you that I do not want any visitors!" He turned around to face me, not expecting to see what stood in front of him.

He looked stricken.

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