Chapter 30

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"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Astrid Tyrdottir."

I paused at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the Allfather sitting atop the throne. He sat, realxed, his staff in one hand, long legs open wide to the world. Odin never sat that way.

There was only one person I knew who sat like that.

Stop it, Astrid, your being absurd. He was playing with you. Testing you.

"Did you bid me here to mock?" I asked calmly.

"No, my dear." He chuckled. I have come to tell you that my son had decided to leave Asgard, forever."



Thor and Jane had managed to defeat Malekith a couple weeks earlier, clearing Asgard and the rest of the nine realms of the darkness for good. Now, the only person next to my parents that I really cared about was leaving.

"But why?"

"To be with his mortal, of course." A trick smile appeared on his lips.

"And why are you informing me?"

"You have the right to know."

"This is mockery." I hissed. "You are vial, Odin, and I will never forgive you for anything that you've done."

I turned on my heals, and ran back to my room, crying. Odin was no longer my king.

I walked down the hallway, quietly. A small sob escaped my lips, and I held back the tears.

Just get to your room, then you can let it all out.

But I never made it to my room safely.

A large hand covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming aloud when a body pressed up against mine. The person hummed lightly in my ear as they pushed my head back against their chest, leading me into the safe quarters of my room. I squealed softly, trying to fight with what I had left in me against this stranger. It definitely was a male, judging by the largeness of the hand, and the long, delicate fingers, which were softly cold. The man's chest felt muscular beneath me, yet it was not too much that his tunic would explode. My eyes flicked down, and saw black boots, along with a pattern with emerald green and gold. This felt familiar...

My eyes widened as the wheels in my head clicked together.

It couldn't be.

There was only one way to find out. I bit into his hand, twisting out of his cold grasp. The man looked down, shocked at my action, his black hair covering his face. My heart pounded in my chest, tears gathering in my eyes.

No, no, no, no. It can't be. My mind was playing a cruel trick on me.

I don't know why I didn't notice it before! The hair. The colors. The boots. The cold skin temperature. And...

His emerald green eyes that were now staring back at me.

It was Loki.

"Angel, it's me."

He sounded like Loki. He looked like Loki. But it just couldn't be him.

"This isn't funny." I hissed, tears streaming down my face. "I know, you're Odin, and have been playing with me all day. So, if you please, I would appreciate if you'd stop. It's really not a good subject to joke about with me."

"Astrid, it's me." He repeated, looking me straight in the eye.

"No! Stop it!" I cried out sharply. "Just stop, okay? I've had enough!"

"Let me prove it to you." He took a step forwards, taking my hand between his.

I shivered. He felt like Loki too.

"If you really were Loki, what did you promise me that we'd do when you got out of prision?"

He smiled, the crinkles by his eyes causing me to take a strangled breath. He looked so much like him. But it couldn't be him.

Loki was gone. Loki was dead.

"I told you that we would marry when the time was right, and that when you were ready, as king and queen of Asgard, we'd raise our children together."

"There was more." I stammered. "What did I promise you before you left, and how did you reply?"

This was my test. Only Loki knew my sex life conditions. If he didn't answer this right, than I knew it was Odin.

"You promised yourself to me, all of your innocence, your purity, yourself, under your own free will, so that I may have a single memory to cherish when I was thrown in the dungeons."

"And.." My voice was breaking.

"And, I replied that I would never take you up on that offer so early. I know you weren't ready, and as much as you worried about my feelings, I reassured you that I would enjoy it that much more if we waiting until you were."

I closed my eyes, blinking away the tears.

It was Loki.

"Oh, Loki I thought I lost you!" I sobbed, rushing into his outstretched arms.

He smiled. "I would never leave you when you have so much to live for. Besides, you're much happier when you're with me."

I laughed. "You're starting to sound like my Dad and Sif."

He chuckled. "Do I now? Did they also tell you how much I loved you, angel?"

"As a matter of fact, they did. How did you know that?"

He smirked, throwing up his hands in the air.

"You didn't." He did. "Loki! You were here all along and didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry, my love, but I had to see how you were coping first."

"So you shape shifted into my father and my best friend?"

"And the king for the rest of Asgard too."

"What?" I paused. "Loki, what are you talking about?"

"Does 'did you bid me here to mock?' sound familiar?"

"What did you do?"

"I kind of posed as Odin, tricking the guards and kingdom until the real Allfather, who is rotting in chains below us, dies."

"You put Odin in the dungeons?" My voice grew louder, making Loki look weary.

"It's for his own good."

"That is the best thing you've ever done!" I exclaimed, kissing him on the cheek. "But what happens once he dies?"

"I will reveal myself as king, and hopefully gain back Asgard's trust. With Thor gone, I have the kingdom to myself, yet all I need now is a queen to share it with.."

"Awhhh Lokiii...." I cooed. "Of course I'll be your queen."

"I know you will." He purred in my ear.

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