Chapter 34

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"So tell me," Darcy spoke, rummaging through one of the food coolers. "What is this thing called again?"

"A food cooler?" I raised my eyebrow.

"So it's like a fridge."

"What's a fridge?"

"A food cooler."

"A food cooler?"

"It cools your food."

"A fridge?"


I blinked, trying to clear my head. "Alright, then. So your Midgardian technology is actually caught up with ours."

"I don't really know what you just said, but yes, I think."

I laughed. "Find anything yet?"

"No." Darcy replied, frustrated. "Its like you people have no real food! It's all foreign or healthy! Don't you guys have any junk food?"

"It's not good for your body to eat junk, we need to stay strong in case of an attack in the future."

"Okeyyy.. don't know what that means either. " She laughed. "What about fast food restaurants?"

"What's that?"

"I take it you don't have any. Oh, the horror!" Darcy cried out, gripping the counter in a dramatic manner. "No McDonald's. No Starbucks. No Taco Bell. Oh I need my Taco Bell."

Here she was again with the Taco Bell thing.

"What is a Taco Bell, and McStarbucks?"

"It's McDonald's, and Starbucks, and Taco Bell is the heaven of all foods."

"What kind of food?"


"Huh?" I cocked my head.


"I don't understand-"

"Oh good lord!" Darcy did a facepalm. "I am going to have to teach you the lesson in Mexican foodology."


Darcy was busily making what she called tacos when Loki walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, darling." His long arms wrapped around my waist. "What happened to swimming?"

I smiled. "Well, swimming was on the table until Darcy found out that I had no idea what a 'taco' was."

"What's a taco?" Loki asked.

"Oh gosh!" Darcy moaned, pulling out a tomato from the 'fridge'. "You people have so much to learn.

"Oh, no, she's at it again!" Jane wailed, walking into the kitchen with Thor. "Darcy, we are barely here for two hours and your already making these two try a taco?"

"I had too!" She complained. "They have no idea what Taco Bell is!"

"What is a Taco Bell?" Loki asked for the second time that day.

"See? See that? The people here have no idea what they're missing. They don't have Mexican food. They eat healthy to stay strong just in case someone invades. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't show them the basics of Earth food delicacies."

"Oh good lord, help us all." Jane gently pressed her face to Thor's side.

"I'm so confused." I whispered to Loki.

"Me too, angel. How about we get out of here?" He asked.

"Agreed. But how will we get out without Darcy noticing."

"Leave it up to me."

I nodded, watching Jane continue to chide Darcy about the tacos.

"I'm just saying why do you have to make tacos everywhere you go?" Jane asked.

"Because it's my food. You out of all people should know that." Darcy snapped back.

"Excuse me, Lady Darcy?" Loki broke in. "Has Jane ever tried one of your tacos?"

"Hmm... you're right." Darcy smirked evilly. "Has Jane ever  bothered to try one of my tacos?"

"Oh no." She held her hands up. "I'm not trying it now, and I'm not trying it later. Darcy, I have no idea what kind of 'taco' you have concocted, but it's not going in my mouth."

"Try my taco!"

"No thanks."

"Try my taco, Jane!"


"Thor will try my taco."

"I'll do what?" Thor looked startled at the two women bickering before him.

"Now's our chance." Loki whispered, taking my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Phew, that was crazy!" I laughed once we were far enough from the kitchens.

"I know!" Loki chuckled. "They were like frost giants in a cat fight."

"Oh my gosh. That was smart to get them to turn on each other, by the way."

"I would've done anything just to get out of there." He smiled, kissing me on the head. "Now let's get back to our room and get back to more important things..."

I smirked. "Tell me more."

In seconds Loki had me pinned up against one of the golden walls in the middle of the hallway, planting wet kisses along my neck.

"Ahh, Loki!" I squealed. "Stop, we're in public!"

"Mhmm... darling I like it when your struggle." He purred, tickling my waist

"Stop, oh my gosh, you know how ticklish I am, oh please stop." My voice came out in laughing bursts, trying desperately to get away.

Every so inch I would get him to ease, so when he finally did pull away, I bolted. My short little legs only took me so far, which meant the moment I reached the door to our room, Loki had me in his arms.

"How dare you run from me, you naughty girl." He carried me into the bedroom, a threw me on the bed, locking to door. "Do I have to punish you?"

"Please don't." I replied, backing up into the sheets. "I'm sorry."

"That's cute. You're sorry?"

"Yes." I breathed, watching him catch up to me, and turn me on my back. "I'm sorry."

"Good. Does my queen want a reward? Perhaps a kiss?"

"Yes, please."

"Then ye shall receive." Loki spoke softly into my ear, making me shiver in excitement.

"Oh my gosh what is with you two!" Darcy's voice carried out around the bedroom, and Loki nearly fell on top of me.

"What the hell?" I screamed, seeing Darcy, as well as Jane and Thor in the doorway.

"Thor!" Loki growled, looking daggers at his brother.

"I'm sorry brother, but they noticed you two were gone minutes after you snuck off." Thor replied, honestly.

"Actually it was Jane that noticed," Darcy spoke. "But you two still haven't tried my taco!"

"Did Jane try your taco yet?" I asked.

"No." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Then we'll try the taco when Jane does." I nodded towards Loki.

"Agreed." He smiled.

"What?" Jane shrieked. "No. No way."

"Yes." Darcy grinned. "Yes way."

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