Chapter 15

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I was warm, soft, comfortable.

The last thing I remembered was talking to Loki on his bed. Now I was in it, wrapped up in his warm sheets, just awaking from who knows how long of a nap.

"Hello, angel." Loki smiled, walking into his bedroom.

"Hi." I yawned, stretching out my arms as I sat up. "How long have I been asleep?"

"A couple hours." He sat down on the bed beside me gently brushing a piece of blonde hair behind my ear. "It was fine, though. I visited Thor while you were asleep."

I bolted upright. "How is he?"

Loki laughed. "He's quite fine, actually. Would you like me to have Heimdall to show you him?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes, please."

I got out of the bed and realized that I was in pants and a tee shirt. Glancing over at the clock, I saw that is was past dinner time and was definitely dark outside.


"Hmm?" His voice was deep.

"Do you maybe have a sweatshirt or something I can barrow?"

"Of course!" He rose from the bed, going to his closet, and pulling out a huge green hoodie. "How's this?"


I quickly pulled on the sweatshirt, feeling warm again. The material was far too big for me, coming down to my mid thigh, but it was comforting and it smelled like him.

"Let us leave, my darling." Loki wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my forehead.

I nodded, feeling a rush of wind as he teleported us to the Bifrost.

"Or you can do that." I commented.

Loki chuckled, turning to Heimdall. "Gatekeeper, Miss Astrid would like to see my brother."

He nodded, pulling a switch as the Bifrost started to spin. In seconds I saw Thor. He was sitting in a lawn chair, his blonde hair blowing softly in the wind. Oh how I had missed running my fingers through that.

"Oh, Thor." I whispered, feeling Loki's hand entwine with mine.

Thor suddenly turned and it was the first time I noticed a woman sleeping in a chair beside him. She had mousy brown hair, and a thin form, her breaths short and quick. He leaned over and pulled the blanket on her body up to cover her shoulders, planting a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well Jane." Thor whispered, a grin full of love appearing on his face.

I drew in a shaky breath, feeling an exasperated gasp escape my lips. Loki wrapped an arm securely around my waist, watching my face for any emotion. As the scene slowly faltered, coming to a stop, my heart broke.

"Heimdall," Loki paused, looking at me. "Who was that woman?"

Heimdall sighed deeply. "Her name is Jane Foster, my king. She is what Midgardians call a scientist."

"And what purpose does she have with my brother?"

"She is the one who found him on Midgard, my king. Sadly, he is falling for her and she, him."

I let go a cracked cry, tears dripping down my cheeks at an aching pace. Loki turned to me, a worried look on his face.

"Shh... angel, please don't cry. He's not worth it."

"Oh, Loki!" I exclaimed, clutching his tunic in my hands as he pulled me into a tight hug. "You were right about Thor! You were right about everything!"

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