Chapter 29

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Sorry, short chapter!


My days as an Asgardian princess were over. Loki was gone, and I was tired playing games.

I had cried for days, harder than I did when he fell. However, knowing that this really was goodbye should've moved me. I had given up all hope on believing in love again. I was done with the factor itself. I should've known that true love wasn't real, nor was falling head over heals for a Prince. It wasn't that Loki didn't love me, it was just that it all had ended too quickly. Love was a game that children made up. Not every relationship had a happy ending.

I decided to return to my previous path, shooting to take over Odin's army one day, when my father retired. I worked endlessly, for days, weeks on end, becoming a stronger fighter, and gaining faster reflexes. My father, although proud, had watched me in sadness, knowing my motivation was not from my own free will. He knew I was pushing myself over the top, overwhelmed inside because of my loss.

"Astrid," He gently pulled me aside one evening when I was training a young warrior to sword fight. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah." I responded, walking with him near the palace. "What's up?"

"You've been acting strange lately." He paused. "I know this isn't you."

"Dad, there's nothing wrong. I just found a better path for me, the right path for me."

"What path? Astrid, this isn't you."

"I told you, I'm totally fine! I know what I'm doing, and I know I want to be the leader of Odin's army!"

"No you aren't!" He yelled, loudly. I froze, my body shaking in fear.

He has never yelled at me like that.

"Becoming a leader isn't you, fighting isn't you." My father continued.

"What?" I took a step backwards.

"Darling, I know you better than anyone. I saw your face when you were with him. You were so much happier, so brave."

"But, Dad... he's gone." I sniffled softly, pictures of Loki's death flashing through my brain again.

"Just think about it." My father pulled me into a hug. "I love you, my angel."

I paused, tears beginning to run down my cheeks. He said angel. I remembered Loki calling me that nickname all the time.

"I love you too, Daddy." I sobbed, more tears rolling down my cheeks.


"You're going to kill yourself from all this, you know." Sif sighed, watching me fight against a soldier in training.

"What are you talking about?" I panted, shoving my sword over his head. "Make sure you duck when your opponent goes here." He nodded.

Sif rolled her eyes at my innocence. "Astrid, I'm talking about what your father said. You aren't acting the same."

"How do you know what he told me?" I growled, watching the boy fend off my break to his shoulder.

"A trainee who overheard the conversation told me." She smirked. "He said your dad got pretty loud."

I nodded. "It kind of scared me. He's never yelled at me like that before."

"I'm sure it was for a good reason, though right?"

"Yeah, but he kept telling me how happy I was with-" I paused, my voice choking.

"I know. You don't have to say his name."

I nodded, thankfully. "I just don't understand. It's like he acted as though he hadn't died right in front of me."

"Well maybe your father thinks he's still alive."

"Maybe, but if he saw what I saw, it would kinda be impossible to think that."

"I'm truly sorry, Astrid. It must've been a hard thing to see."

"It was." I sighed, trying to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes.

"Well, wherever he is, I'm sure he is missing you. After all, you're his angel."

My head shot up. Did she say angel?

"What?" I asked.

"I said I'm sure you're special to him. Why?"

"No reason." I shook my head.

Why was I torturing myself today?

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