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It was early dawn as I was walked up to the palace with my father. As a three year old, I was ready to start the day early. My father left to go consult with the King, and I scampered off to go find Prince Thor. I had an hour before I had to go practice my powers with Queen Frigga, so I took my time to play with him. I found Thor in his bedroom plopped down in the center of a pile of matchbox cars and trucks that his father had gotten for him from Midgard. Being the age of six, the young god was very interested in vehicles, and about any moving object. As for me, any normal three year old girl loved the idea of princesses and princes and true love, and blah blah blah... I was obsessed with exactly the opposite.

I ran to Thor and picked up a red Ferrari, zooming it across the floor. Thor chucked his dump truck at the little red car and be both watched as the two cars spiraled in circles around us. A small giggle left my lips as I made eye contact with him, sending another car across the rug. The blonde god threw another truck at the car, and we both erupted in the giggles as the two vehicles crashed again.

I heard a small chuckle come from the doorway and saw Frigga leaning against the doorframe with a small smile.

"What are you two doing?"

"Nothing Mummy." Thor laughed.

Frigga shook her head and a small hand appeared behind her dress, followed by five year old Loki's face. I backed up next to Thor and watched as Loki came and stood next to his mother.

"Come along, my dear Astrid." Frigga spoke softly to me. "We have to practice those lovely powers of yours."

"Can I see my daddy after?" I asked, placing my tiny hand inside of hers as we walked down the hallway away from Thor's room.

"Yes, of course."

We reached the spell room and Frigga excused herself to go receive a book from the library. I plopped down on a chair as Loki ran up and shoved me off.

"That's my seat." He snickered.

"I sat there first!"

"Finders keepers losers weapers."

"But you didn't find it!"

"Too bad."

"I'm gonna tell my daddy what you did."

"That's right! Run to your daddy you little daddy's girl."

"Be quiet!" I held my ground and climbed back on the chair and tried to push Loki off.

Frigga quickly came back into the room, pulling us apart from each other, and continuing our lesson.

"I don't know why you two can't just get along." She muttered, pulling me into her arms and placing me on her lap as she sat down. "Now, what happened sweetheart?"

"Loki pushed me off my chair." I proclaimed loudly.

Frigga looked sadly at the young prince. "Now, Loki, is that a very nice thing to do to a friend?"

Loki scoffed. "She's not my friend. I don't need a friend. I don't need nobody."

"Anybody." I corrected, and he swung his hand, a huge bug appearing in my lap.

I screamed, leaping off Frigga, and sending a blast of ice water at the beetle, freezing it into a ice cube.

Loki was standing in the corner wearing a smirk across his tiny face.

"Loki," His mother gave him a hard look. "Your powers are only used for what?"

Loki paused and looked at his mother. "Good."

"No tricks, you understand?"

"Yes, Mummy." He didn't quite listen to that command to say the least.

That had been fourteen years ago. I was now eighteen, Thor twenty one, and Loki, twenty.

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