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Jack  Leslie

Jack: I've been holding off talking bout this but did you see neels post??

I did but I don't want to spend time worrying bout him:Leslie

Jack: you don't know how badly I want to punch him
Jack: he deserves to be hurt for what he did to you

Babe that's really cute but it's in the past: Leslie
We shouldn't worry about him! We have each other: Leslie

Jack: you're right but I just don't want him to hurt you again

Even if he tried, I have you to protect me: Leslie

Jack: Damn right you do! I'll never let anyone hurt you again

Ily 💗: Leslie

Jack: it means more when you spell it out

I love you, Jack Finnigan Gilinsky 💗: Leslie

Jack: and I love you, Leslie Maria Cruz soon to be Gilinsky💗

You're cute! But I gtg Katie wants to go shopping bye 💗: Leslie

Jack: bye babe 💗😘

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