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Leslie's POV

     I sit on my couch just thinking about what went wrong.
I look down at my arm and stare at the"always" tattoo. Jack got a matching one. I wish I could look at it as I did before, always it will be me and Jack against the world. But I guess it isn't that way anymore.

    There is as knock on the door and I hesitantly get up too open it. I look through the peephole to see Jack holding a bouquet of flowers looking nervous as heck.

  I open the door and in only a matter of seconds I am ambushed into a hug.

"Les, I'm so sorry! Please just let me explain" Jack says as he holds on to me extremely tight.

" I don't know Jack! You were with Madison! Out of all people" I answer back finally pulling away from his grip.

" Come on Les. Give me 5 minutes." He pleads
"Don't make me beg" he adds obviously referring to his new song beg.

  " Ok 5 minutes, don't fuck it up" I say giving in and sitting on the couch patting the spot next to me.

He sits down, laying the flowers down on the coffee table. He grabs my hands and pulls me closer to him.

" Yes, I was with Madison yesterday. No it wasn't a date it wasn't flirty it was as friends. I promise. She texted me earlier saying that she missed us just being friends and that she wanted to fix our friendship. I promise. I know that I shouldn't have done it , God I wish I hadn't but please believe me and don't end this Because of my stupid mistake. " He finishes off his story and I lay my head upon his chest.

" I believe you" I whisper softly

" Thank you, I couldn't bear the thought of not having you" he whispers back.

Then we just lay there for hours, in each other's arms cofortable, in love and with trust.

I'm sorry but I can't break up jeslie I just can't

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