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Leslie's POV

    I flop onto the couch next to Jack as I scroll through Instagram on my phone.

    Jack stiffs up as I gently rest my head on his shoulder and confusion washes over me. He never acts this way unless he is mad at me, but what is there to be mad at.

   "Baby," Jack slowly turns his head towards me, "what's wrong?"

   He turns his head the other direction and shuts my question out. Okay so were are going to have to do this the hard way.

  I sit up and face him and start poking his arm while chanting "what's wrong?" knowing that eventually I'll annoy him to the point that he'll tell me what's going on.

  After about five minutes he finally gives in and turns towards me.

  "You know what's wrong Leslie? What's wrong is that you decided to be all up on that actor you posted about on your Instagram with a collage of pictures of him!" jack yells out at me.

   "Babe, he's just a friend. I met him a long time ago and we've always kept in touch. I promise he is nothing more than a friend."

   "Yeah totally," he scoffs' " if I had a dime for every time I heard that lie." he gets up from the couch but I quickly grab his arm and pull him back down.

   "Jack, listen to me, tom is just a friend, sure when I met him I thought he was attractive and British accent was tantalizing but he had a girlfriend at the time so we became friends and then I met you and jack there is honestly no one I'd rather be with than you." I keep eye contact to make sure he knows I mean every word I just said.

   He finally signs and calms down.

  "Okay but he needs to know that you are mine and only mine." He cups my face and gently kisses me.

   "Trust me from all the times I post you I'm sure he knows. " Jack kisses me again but this time with more passion and demand for more.

   I just can't get enough of this boy.

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