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E!News- is Leslie Gilinksy pregnant??? All her past Instagram photos have mostly been of husband Jack Gilinsky and not her body like she used too! The couple did spend a romantic honeymoon in Greece so who's to know if they aren't expecting a litt...

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E!News- is Leslie Gilinksy pregnant??? All her past Instagram photos have mostly been of husband Jack Gilinsky and not her body like she used too! The couple did spend a romantic honeymoon in Greece so who's to know if they aren't expecting a little Gilinsky!!! And on her last Instagram posts Leslie captioned in parenthesis "(exciting news coming soon!!!)" We can't wait to find out!
Tagged- @leslieg @jackgilinsky

12.3 million likes 3.1 m comments

@user- i am telling y'all she's pregnant!!!

@user- ahhhhh their kid is gonna be so cute

@user- Leslie is such a slut I bet its not even jacks kid

@user- damn right ^

@user- yall need to stop with that Leslie is not a slut ^^ and she's married to jack so...

@maiabennet- ????? If she's pregnant she hasn't told me yet so is she is imma fight her for not telling her best friend!!!

@user- me ^^

@user- omg abuser

@user- you need to learn how to take a joke

@leslieg- 👶????

@user- omg is this confirmation

@user- its killing me I need to know

@sammywilk- First come love then comes marrige and then comes.... A bunch of random shit to deal with!!!

@skatemaloley- get a life @sammywilk

@user- I ship #skammy

@user- #skammy

@jackgilinsky- 👪????

@user- I stg if I find out that they ain't pregnant and this is all a joke imma fight someone

@user- they are literally about to kill me

@user- please be expecting

@jackjohnson- this is so funny!! Watch out fans

@user- oh those pieces on the ground yeah that's my heart

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