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       " Hey, Les!?!" I yell from the kitchen of our massive penthouse suite. I'm currently making breakfast for everyone except Sammy and skate cause their fatasses went and ate without us.

         "Yeah, Babe?" Leslie yells back from the master suite, probably still doing her make up. That that she needs it though. I've seriously considered throwing all her make up away but I choose life so.

       "I was thinking that we should go on a date tonight. You know, get to see the city a bit more." fear flashes through my head of the thousands of ways tonight could go wrong, including Leslie not wanting to go out.

     I hear the door of the room creak open and Leslie pops her head out, face powder on her face making her look like a ghost. " Yes! Oh I'm so excited. A date night in paris," she walks over to me and hugs me from behind as I flip a pancake, " I love you so much." she kisses my cheek and the runs back to the room.

      " why didn't you just order room service?" Leslie raises an eyebrow.

      " Because I was bored and wanted something to do." She nods her head and skips the rest of the way to the room and shuts the door.

      I smirk to myself and chukle. Man how much I love this girl is insane. I can't wait to make her my wife.

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