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Johnson's POV

             I knock on the door of Leslie's apartment, I guess Gilinsky too since he moved in, after a while after knocking I just let myself in.

           The front room and the kitchen are both empty but both cars were out front so I know that they are here somewhere. I walk to the kitchen and closer to the stairs and that's when I hear it.

          Yelling, screaming, and just a full on argument between Leslie and G. Of course I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I do catch a few words.

          " So what I'm not allowed to have friends now!!?!?!?" I hear Leslie yelling from above.

          "You are but just dont go on romantic walks with them!" Gilinsky fights back.

         They are arguing over the article, they are arguining because of me. Without a doubt the article has it all very much wrong and its very clear this was Madison's doing. Leslie and I are just friends, good friends. Great friends. I would never want to jeopardize that friendship and my friendship with my best friend.

         I know that I need to help but I just dont know how. If I barge in up there G might not believe me but if I wait it might be too late for them.

       I decide to be a good friend. I take the stairs two at a time and within seconds I'm at the bedroom door. Up here the yelling is so much louder and its hard to hear anything over the overlapping words.

         I dont even knock on the door I just push it open and hope for the best. Once I'm inside, both Leslie and Jack, are staring at me as if I'm a stranger.

          Jack speaks first, " J, what are you doing here? We are having a serious conversation" he gestures between him and Leslie.

         "Yeah, I heard." this earns me a slight chuckle from Leslie but a scoff from G.

            " I think that we should let J talk because Jack will listen to you unlike he won't listen to me." Leslie folds her arms and nods her head at me.

           " Gilinsky, there is nothing, absofuckinglutely nothing going on between me and Leslie. The article is so wrong, man. And we both know who did this and right now you are giving her the satisfaction she wants. Madison is trying to break y'all apart and you can't let her." I finally finish. I look over at Leslie and she looks thankful for my words but G still looks skeptical.

             " Then what was that picture what was the "long romantic walks" " Gilinsky's face looks kissed again.

             "That picture was taken at a party when you two first meet before you guys were together but even then I wasn't attracted to Leslie, no offense, and those "long romantic walks" are walks that sometime Leslie and I go on when we are bored and trust me they are no where near romantic. Its just what we do when you are busy with calls and Maia is busy filming. G, les is my best friend but so are you. I would never fucking hurt you like that. " Gilinsky finally softens up and walks over to me and gives me a hug.

          Leslie them joins in on it and we all just fold into each other. I'm glad to call these amazing people friends and Madison better watch out cause if she doesn't a stunt like that again I'm sure Leslie won't hesitate to kill that bitch.

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