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Lesliegilinsky- This is my life, my heart, and my home 😍❤😘 We are going to grow old together and dont try to stop it, you'll just be ruining yourself

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Lesliegilinsky- This is my life, my heart, and my home 😍❤😘 We are going to grow old together and dont try to stop it, you'll just be ruining yourself.
Tagged- @jackgilinsky

8.4 million likes 628,376 comments

@user- honestly can they get any cuter

@user- I loved how they are married but it still feels like they are dating

@user- ugh I'm over it GET DIVORCED

@maiabennet- photo creds???

@user- Leslie is a big slut and I just wish G would see that

@user- and your proof of this??? ^

@madisonbeer- yeah whatever I've got so much dirt on you

@skatemaloely- and you actually have dirt on you from your new job of being an actual snake @madisonbeer

@user- I love skate

@user- #jeslie belong together and soon they are going to have cute little #jeslie babies

@user- vomit ^

@jackjohnson- @madisonbeer leave us the fuck alone we didn't do shit to you

@user- preach it Johnson

@user- actually Leslie stole her man soooooooo...

@user- actually Jack left Madison's cheating ass and Leslie was there for him soooooooooooo...

@jackgilinsky- @madisonbeer why won't you leave my wife alone??? If you want to actually talk this out Leslie and I are down for the three of us to meet up and settle this but cyberbullying is wrong.

@user- *single tear falls* He's all grown up now

@user- see Leslie made him a better man

@user- yay they are acting like adults

@madisonbeer- fine

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