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Leslieg- Coca-Cola Sponser us!!!!! Tagged- @jackgilinsky @Coca-Cola

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Leslieg- Coca-Cola Sponser us!!!!!
Tagged- @jackgilinsky @Coca-Cola

7.8 million likes 582,846 comments

@user- I just want then to tell us already!!!! Is she pregnant or not???

@user- I 100% that she is pregnant and that this is either an old photo or she's covering her stomach with that towel

@user- I dont think she's pregnant because Jack has a big mouth and it would have been leaked by now

@user- I dont think she's pregnant because her hoe ass dont deserve children

@sammywilk- okay that was just rude^^  what if she is pregnant?? Whatcha gonna do then?

@user- ohhhhhhh someone just got told by Sammy

@user- guys what if they news isn't baby related!!!! Ever thought of that

@user- maybe she got casted for a major movie

@user- she would make a great Izzy but obviously no one can beat Emeraude

@jackgilinsky- Leslie you can't just go around asking for sponsorships but @Coca-Cola if you want we are all for it

@jackjohnson- G sometimes you actually dont make sense ^ @jackgilinsky

@user- the friendship I strive for ^^

@user- Johnson is honestly me when my friend say dumb shit

@user- IS LESLIE PREGNANT!?!?!?!?

@user- I need to know

@maiabennet- after my little tantrum I was told what it is and let me tell y'all are going to be shocked!!!!!!! Its not what you expect!!

@user- Maia is killing us rn

@user- what. A. Queen

@user- we stan one (1) supportive best friend

@skatemaloley- is she pregnant??? Find out in the next episode of the dysfunctional Instagram family *dun dun*

@user- does that imply that we will find out the news in Leslie's next post

@user- skate is great

@leslieg- not revealing it next post but soon I promise and like @maiabennet said its going to knock your socks off


@user- she's pregnant

A/N what do y'all think???

Is Leslie pregnant??

Or is the news something else??

Let me know

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