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           "No... I would fucking love to!!" The nervousness from Jacks face slips away and is replaced by an enormous smile. He slips the diamond ring on my left ring finger then stands up.

           I immediately put my arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. He sweeps me off my feet, literally, a gives me a long, passionate kiss. After a minute he gently puts me down and seperates from me. But only just enough to rest his forehead against mine.

               "I love you, Leslie Maria Gilinksy." The name rolls right off his tongue as if it was always meant to be that way.

              " And I love you, Jack Finnegan Gilinksy." He srunches his nose at the mention of his full name but he hand it coming.

             I'm just about to kiss him again when I hear rustling from the bushes and Maia running towards us, arms wide open and Johnson closely behind.

             " Oh my god!!! You guys are so cute. I can't fucking wait for the wedding!!!!" Maia squels in my ear whilst Johnson goes over to jack and pats him on the back in a brotherly manner.

             " Jack, we did exactly as instructed, I took many beautiful pictures and J here took a beautifully crafted video." Maia explains to jack and he nods happily. I'm both shocked and surprised to hear all the planning they had put into this proposal.

             "Sounds like you guys had everything planned out." I say.

             " Everything must be perfect for my princess." Jack tilts my head up towards his and plants a gently peck on my lips.

             "Okay, okay, that's enough save it for the bedroom." Johnson is playfully covering his eyes and is swishing his free hand in our faces.

            I giggle at the sight and a sudden flush of reality hits me. I'm engaged. Engaged to the most handsome, caring, wonderful person in the whole world and I honestly can't wait to marry him.

            " Ok, come on back to the hotel." Jack grabs my hand and pulls in front of Maia and Johnson. We walk back towards the hotel and in no time we are on the elevator up to our penthouse suite, where we seperate from the other couple and finally find ourselves alone.

           " I have been trying so hard to not touch you all night." Jack signs as he reaches out a grabs me by the waist pulling me into him.

           " Well now you have me all to yourself so please, touch away." Jack starts to pull down the sleeves of my dress off when there is a loud knock on the door.

           " Jack! Leslie! Open the door its time to celebrate!!!" Skates loud, obnoxious voice booms through the door from the hallway.

         I'm about to go and open the door when jack pulls me right back into him. " If we ignore him long enough, he'll go away." He reassures me and I go with it. I want nothing more than to just be with jack in this moment.

          I give Jack a slight nod and he throws me onto the couch. He slowly starts to climb over me. He starts kissing my neck and the finally, again, my lips.

          And true to his word, eventually we hear skate huff and walk away. Me and jack laugh and then continue. And to stay clean and not go into much detail. All you need to know is that, that night the city of love got another happy couple do on its list.

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