Real Life

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 Leslie's pov 

        I was sitting on my couch watching Stranger things eating my weight in junk food being depressed. Today was Valentines day, and even though I miss jack everyday I strangly miss him more. Maybe its because of how many things he'd promised to get me and do to me on this day. 

        I was half way through season 1 when my doorbell rang. Who could be bothering my eating marathon. Goodness I hate people. Especially happy people. 

   I grudgingly get out of my comfortable position under about 15 blankets and 3 tons of food and pat my messy hair down. I walk over to the door and look through the peephole. I internally scream. I look like a mess I thought it was going to be Sammy or someone not him. 

    I take deep breath and open the door, here goes nothing . 

     "What are you doing here, Jack?" I lean against the door frame. 

        "I always keep my promises, " he gestures to the flowers, candy and chocolates in his arms. 

I can't help but smile. But then I remember that we haven't fixed things and start to frown but I still move towards the side and let him in. 

      "Here take these, I left the teddy bear in the car. Couldn't carry it with all of the other stuff." He turns out and I don't believe him. 

   I turn to the flowers and get a vase from under the sink and fill it with water to put the flowers in. I was just about to finish fluffing them out when the door opens again. 

      Jack is hauling a 7ft tall 4 ft wide teddy bear through my what now seems like extremely small door. Oh my goodness, what is happening? 

     "Thanks guys" he waves off the two teenagers that were helping him and then turns to me. My mouth still wide open in shock, " ta da" 

     I walk towards him still in shock and do something that I thought I would never be able to do again, I hug him.  I squeeze him harder than I've ever done before. After more than a month of separation I feel safe again, in his arms. I missed him. I can't believe he did this. 

    " missed you so fucking much Leslie" Jack pulls away just enough to look me in the eye " I didn't mean to hurt you I swear. It was the biggest mistake of my life. Please Leslie take me back" 

  I rest my forehead against his and close my eyes. I'm I really about to do this even after all I went through. Oh fuck it. 

   I kiss him, I kiss him so hard. Making up for lost time, jack doesn't waste any time. He kissing hard and passionate. He pulls me up, signalling me to jump, so I do. I wrap my legs carefully around the words and he pushing me up against a wall. He leaves my lips and kissing down my jaw and to my neck. I softly moan and that just turns jack on even more. 

    He moves away from the wall and walks to my room, still kissing me. Once his legs reach the foot of the bed he gently throws me on. He climbs over me. 

    "Sorry for making you wait so long." He nibbles on my ear. 

     " just promise to never make that mistake again" I giggle 

     " Oh trust me I won't" 


      I wake up a few hours later in my bed,naked, with jack next to me. He softly plays with my hair obviously not trying to wake me. 

     " Hi" I look up into his melting eyes. 

      " Hi beautiful" I rest my head on his chest as he starts to play with my fingers. 

     " I wish we could stay like this forever" I whisper softly

    " We can for the rest of the day, anything you want" Jack kisses the top of my head. 

    " I'm sorry for overreacting" I reach up and run my fingers through his hair. God how I love his hair. 

     "Its not your fault" Jack moves so we can look into each others eyes, "its mine." 

     "I missed you. " 

      "I missed you too" 

                   Today was a successful Valentines day if I say so myself



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