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Read the a/n at the bottom its v important

Leslieg- The big news will be revealed tomorrow!!!!! ❤😍

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@user- this is painful

@user- its gotta be something that involves both of them and if she ain't pregnant they wtf is it...

@jackgilinsky- so fucking excited for the world to know!!!!!! Its a dream come true 😘❤😍 @leslieg

@user- I need to know

@user- I bet its something stupid that they just want attention so they did all this

@user- yeah probably@user

@user- why would they want attention???? They are happy

@maiabennet- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm fangirling

@user- we Stan a supportive friend ^

@jackjohnson- I BeT ItS sOmeTHinG StuPId

@user- damn Johnson out here roasting haters

@user- I just want to know already

@user- I'm gonna die if its not a baby gilinsky

@user- ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

@sammywilk- first friend to know the news right here 👏

@skatemaloley- yeah according to Les and G its because your nosy ass was eavesdropping on them

@user- Sammy is me

@user- hahahahaha

@sammywilk- I was still the first to know


   Tomorrow is going to be the last day of the book. I will post 2 regular Instagram posts and then an epilogue. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do a sequel but that's entirely up to you guys!

    If I get 10+ comments from 10+ different readers asking for a sequel then I'm gonna do it!!!!

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