Friday, October 2, 2015Ceci
Holy crap, Dude. "ENCHANTED."
I know, man! That book (The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld)!!
You gave me the book. You called when I was in the Court's archives. I presented the records to the judge. Just like the book!!
Spooky? Fate?
Random bullshit?Did you know beans are a magical fruit?
A combo of forces.
After I read this, I remembered you saying something cryptic about his file. I didn't quite get it.
I hope this guy sees that this "intervention" is his chance to reclaim his life.
Hand him a copy of "Healing the Child Within". It's basically about traveling back in time to your childhood and taking care of that child and providing the support the kid needs. All done in your head of course. But this is what time travel is about. You can also tell him it is a form of magic, (so says your Gypsy friend, Gypsy sounds better than Albanian).
He's into Meth, I'm sure he likes magic and alchemy. Tell him, no whisper to him, gypsy said, "You can change the past with the future".
Now is THAT spooky, fate or bull?
Monday, October 5, 2015Jack
Hey Ceci, what's up? As my guru, do you have any time to guide me through this next trial?
Not today, but YES.
Headache, and kinda foggy.
I'm sorry. Hope you feel better.
We can talk anytime.
I'm here, same clothes, same underwear, and diminishing hygiene till the trial starts. Our client is accused of rape. Mandatory life sentence. Very high-profile trial.
Thanks. I'm definitely interested in the case. Are you glad to be starting?
You know I never told you about my freak out. A neighbor committed suicide in his backyard. Ahhhh... I think I still have some PTSD happening.
PTSD?! Oh jeez!
I carried that for years after a string of Detroit gun crimes. Did dysfunctional things, flashbacks, crying, fear, etc. We should talk about that.
The success rate for PTSD treatment is very high, 60 to 90 percent. Erectile dysfunction, 85 to 90 percent.
Ok, yeah, I think I could use a little help here. I was pretty bad off the first few weeks.
You tell me when would be good. There's a bunch of witnesses in my office now, but tonight or tomorrow is good.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Looking Down the Barrel of a Brand New Day - COMPLETED
Non-Fiction#1Nonfiction: Will Ceci be seduced by ax crimes, buried girls & mushy poems? Will she fall head-over-ass into a forbidden affair or continue down an entirely prudent and reasonable path? Everything is real. Everything is true. The Authors: Ceci is...