Monday, May 16, 2016
Saturday night. Wedding Reception!!
I am stag at a table of hippies and other trouble makers. There is a band. Then we go to a club. Then another club. Home after midnight. Big night for me.
The bride and groom met lying on the pavement of a highway, during a Black Lives Matter "lay-down" strike. Evidently, there were sparks on the asphalt.
The groom is a poetry graduate student and instructor. The bride has a Ph.D. in musicology. A year later, Police stopped her for a DUI check, and ended up charging the groom with two counts of felony assault on police officers. The charges are bullshit.
We will defend him to hell and back! You will hear more.
In Court this morning. Everything went smooth.
On the way out, I'm walking through the Courthouse hallways with the masses. The usual mood prevails, like an airport terminal of sadness.
On the ax case, Jason was rejected for community corrections (halfway house), but he was screened for a mental health, drug treatment program. I got a call from a Public Defender friend who said we could make a presentation for his admission to treatment. Then the Director of the program told me, "NO". She told me we could only submit a letter and she would read it to the treatment sub-committee. We sent the letter, but I had a bad feeling.
So I jump in the car. Drive 30 miles to the meeting. A back door to the sub-committee is open. From the doorway, I can overhear the proceedings. They start talking about Jason. No one reads our letter. The committee starts voting. The first vote is to reject Jason. Fuck it! I push open the door and walk in on the meeting.
I hand a copy of our letter to a seated member. Tell them I hope they will consider our letter.
They nod.
Tell me to leave.
Close the door.
I hear the lock click.
Drive back to the office and pick up a message, "Thank you for your letter. The vote on Jason was split. So he must go up for a vote before the full committee. Good luck." That means we still have a shot to avoid prison.
I tell Jason this morning. He's going to deliver a double load of firewood to our house. Un-split firewood, so I can train for log splitting.
Incidentally, I asked Jason about the biker who kidnapped him from his mother when he was young. He answered straight away, "He was Blue Steel Kings. Wore full colors and a 1% patch."
Joe called this morning. He's back to living with Carmen and her parents. While Carmen was in the bathroom, Joe checked her phone and saw incoming calls from Darren Johannsson, Greg Johannsson, and Suzanne Willis. Later, he checked again. Carmen deleted everything.
Joe can't contact Greg Johannsson because of the car theft case. But Greg called Joe. Greg said he lost his job at the liquor store. Got in a fight with the owner. He also got kicked out of his apartment. He's now living with his girlfriend. No money. No job. Greg said he's mad at his brother Darren. Never wants to talk to him again. Greg told Joe he's going to refuse to testify against Joe in the car theft case. He apologized lying to the police and saying Joe stole their car. Joe thought he sounded sincere. I'm not as forgiving.
Joe believes Carmen and Darren are conspiring about something "ugly and underhanded". Yesterday, Carmen and her father left for their weekly Sunday meeting with the Blue Steel Kings. Joe stayed home with Carmen's mother.
He said to her, "I don't know where they go. I feel like he's pimping her."
She replied, "Pimping her? I don't know anything about that, but the two of them have sex together all the time. They've been doing it for years. She has sex with her Dad. It's disgusting!"
Joe thinks he's being stalked. The Johannsson calls, the visit by Suzanne, and a wallet with [Large Multi-National Corporation] credentials laying next to his car. He's getting shakey and flakey.
I called Detective Balsam. He answered on the first ring. Even over the phone, I could tell his hair was big and luxurious. I told him everything, "I'm worried about Joe. When are you guys gonna move?"
Balsam says, "We're ready to go. We know exactly where to place the excavation. We don't need to bring Joe on site."
I said, "Okay. What about me, his lawyer?"
He said, "I don't know."
I said, "Look, I won't take selfies or do anything to embarrass you guys. Come on!"
Balsam, "Well, I'll have to think about it."
Sounded more like no than yes.
Ceci, you fine thing, what do think about all that?
Holy Ssss! What kind of shit pot has been stirred? Sex with her father? Are you kidding me?
Now I have to admit, I haven't exactly been keeping up with who's who and their names, but please tell me that he's the guy that's going down for the bodies.
Oh, and this plot! Imagine if the actors are good looking Hollywood types.
Wait! And your other unrelated client was kidnapped by the same guys?
Is the FBI involved?
I mean couldn't you use help with all of this?
It's so scary.
The guy suspected of killing the two hookers is Bobby Jasper. He was arrested for various theft charges when the FBI raided Joe's house.
Later, after Mary sees Darren Johannsson dig something up near the Barn. Darren tells her, "It's the gun Bobby (Jasper) used to kill those two hookers."
I forgot to mention a major risk factor: BOBBY WAS RELEASED FROM PRISON LAST MONTH.
After the FBI raid, Carmen stepped up to run the prostitution business. It's flourishing under her command. Joe always suspected that was due to the guidance of her "father" Byron. Byron is an upper level security professional for [large multi-national corporation].
Byron's wife told Joe that Byron is having sex with Carmen.
She is his daughter by adoption.
On any given day, Carmen is Joe's girlfriend, a prostitute, and/or a madam for the Blue Steel Kings.
Good looking Hollywood types? Who is better looking than us? I've been working out. Have you seen my ass?
The BSKs are implicated in both cases. Jason's parents are dead. Very hard lives. Jason was only five when he was abducted by the BSKs. Difficult to make a case without the parents' testimony.
"Scary"? HELL YEAH! Does this mean I can now buy a gun?
A sharp screwdriver?
Notecards with withering criticism?
[⭐Vote ⭐, you frisky rascals!]
Photo: Red Ax by MarkusSpiske, 2014 (Pixabay #1748305).
Looking Down the Barrel of a Brand New Day - COMPLETED
Non-Fiction#1Nonfiction: Will Ceci be seduced by ax crimes, buried girls & mushy poems? Will she fall head-over-ass into a forbidden affair or continue down an entirely prudent and reasonable path? Everything is real. Everything is true. The Authors: Ceci is...