Saturday, June 25, 2016
Listening to college radio in Boulder.
Usually it's pretty good. Almost entirely new music, but the DJ went off on a bender of conceptual noise. The last cut was the sound of wind in two pitches. Just wind. Repeating. Repeating. Repeating. Repeating till I want to fly over the airwaves to the studio, smash the CD, and stuff the broken shards down the DJ's throat. But you can never do those kinds of things because we are non-violent, it's probably illegal, and he would start crying, which would make me sad, and I'd start thinking of his poor mother and how if she saw me jamming pieces of CD down the throat of her sobbing boy, she would have to stop making cookies and sit down and cry. So, even though he fully deserves it for playing that droning shit, I have taken no action against the DJ.
Instead, I looked up CJAM, the college station in Windsor that broadcasts out of Canada right into Detroit. When I lived in Detroit, we lived on that station. They introduced us to The Pixies, Public Enemy, The Sugar Cubes, and hundreds more. Turns out CJAM still exists AND I can stream them direct from Canada into my car in a Costco parking lot in Denver. In an instant, I'm listening to Canadian hipsters feeding music to the hungry vanguard in Detroit. I have the volume cranked to the So So Glos, In Letter Form, The Bohicas, The Thermals...
Rock On, Ceci!!
[Blowout by So So Glos]
[Terror by In Letter Form]
[Where You At by The Bohicas]
[I Don't Believe You by The Thermals]
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Wow! You can stream CJAM?
It really is quality radio. I have to be in just the right spot to pick it up.
We're just driving home from the cottage. It was a fun weekend, just us and our kids, no guests this time. It was good being with the boys without all the usual distractions.
Monday, June 27, 2016
That sounds beautiful.
Hell yeah! And CJAM still delivers. I'm figuring they'll have the inside word on the next Alvvays album.
Did you ever play any shows for CJAM? I was thinking how we played for them in Canada like playing in Ohio. We just drove there. No special permits, or paperwork.
I wonder if, post 911, it's still that way?
I'm looking for a link to CBC radio, but without Brent Bambury and Brave New Waves, maybe not. I just checked Bambury's bio on Wikipedia. He went on to become a Canadian news star. But the last paragraph of his bio is a single sentence, "He is openly gay." What is that about?! Does Wiki list sexual preference in every bio? "Fornicates with females"...."Enjoys sex with postal workers"..."Only has sex with himself" ???
I'll get back to the missing bodies by Sunday.
How do you make a book from text messages? Just find someone you like and text them. I really like Pope Francis. What if his texts were published with Iggy Pop? Pope to Pop, Pop to Pope. I'd read it. Or Jon Stewart texting Steven Colbert, Amy Schumer & Jennifer Lawrence, or Ceci & Jack. I'd read that!
I would read it too. You're onto something.
I never thought I would make the request I just posted on the Bar Association's Website:
Lap Dance Expert Needed
Dear Friends,
We have a sex assault case that is alleged to have been perpetrated during a lap dance. Many of our lawyers may consider themselves lap-dance experts, but we need to consult with the real thing, including strip club managers and choreographers. The case is high stakes and headed to trial, so if you know anyone in the profession. Please reply. Thanks!
[To insure the tranquility of the universe, ⭐VOTE!⭐ ]
Photo: Portable Radio by Manfredrichter, 2016 (Pixabay #4333412).
Looking Down the Barrel of a Brand New Day - COMPLETED
Non-Fiction#1Nonfiction: Will Ceci be seduced by ax crimes, buried girls & mushy poems? Will she fall head-over-ass into a forbidden affair or continue down an entirely prudent and reasonable path? Everything is real. Everything is true. The Authors: Ceci is...