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Sunday, June 5, 2016




Sure, we have Jason to spring from prison, and dead bodies to find, but here's something important. I just finished our first softball game. Two lawyers (husband and wife) on our team, brought their daughter, age 17. She's attractive and sweet. Kinda like Violet, meaning beautiful, goofy, and book-wormy. An excellent combo, which really can only be matched by beautiful, goofy, and she can fix your car. Or beautiful, goofy, and she can make noodles from scratch. My son also just turned 17. Get the picture? 

The question isn't whether I'm going to awkwardly and in an embarrassing way try to match them. The question is HOW am I going to awkwardly and in an embarrassing way try to match them? 

My past record is 100% failure. Worse than a total failure because I was unable to peddle my trial assistants: Molly, a stunning Australian beauty; or April, a sweetheart Wisconsin beauty. One of them complained that my matchmaking was so inept that she was "mortified". I am the worst. I suck. But somehow I feel like I could be good at this.

Monday, June 6, 2016


Hey Ceci, are you around the last week of July?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Yes, but out of town July 29-31.


Oh that's great! The kids and I fly into Detroit, Tuesday 7/26. 

Probably go straight up to Hubbard lake/Alpena then fly out early 8/2. Tuesday to Tuesday. 

Maybe I can see you?


Thanks for the call.

Forgot to mention Detective Balsam told me not to share any of the recent developments with Joe. In house only. You are retained by me. You are on the inside.

Scouring the internet, Anne, who is obsessed, found that the Iron Soldiers are a white supremacist prison gang that originated in Texas. Further, four people "liked" Bunny's post of the Iron Soldiers. One of those four is Marcus Adams. Marcus Adams is reported to be Red's baby daddy. According to Joe, Red and Marcus Adams operated out of Joe's house until just before the August 2014 FBI raid. By the time of the FBI raid, Marcus was back in Detroit. "Back in the D" he says on Facebook. Most of his comments are geo-tagged to Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Maybe you can run him down and ask a few questions?


Sorry Ceci, you can't interview Marcus. He's dead. 

Anne just found his obituary. The funeral Home website reports he was 38 and "died suddenly". Both his brother and sister died before him. There is no reported cause of death. It states that Marcus left behind both parents and his "fiancee." He died on April 20, 2016, less than 2 months ago.

Bunny posted a pic of these gentleman on Facebook, "Iron Soldiers. Love you guys."

[Photo: Five shirtless Skinheads with heavy tats posing with two Nazi flags—REDACTED]

Further research shows Marcus Adams (deceased) worked for Bunny at Lonesome Pup. His fiancée graduated from high school in 2012. She posts pictures of herself at the Lonesome Pup. She is also Facebook friends with Bunny and Darren Johannsson.

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