~For forever~

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(Dear Evan Hanson Au)

Lance ran down the dirt road into the forest. He couldn't take the pain anymore. So he ran. Ran away from his pain. Ran away from the sadness. Ran away from love. He stopped running when he saw a recognizable teenage boy standing in front of him.

"Keith?" Lance asked.

Keith nodded and walked away. Lance followed him to a cliff. They both sat down and watched the sun go down.

"There's no where else I'd rather be." Keith said watching the sun.

"Me too." Lance said looking at Keith.

'Wait isn't Keith supposed to be.....dead?' Lance thought.

Lance looked at Keith.

'He sure doesn't look dead more like peaceful'

lance looked at the sky and smiled.

" What are you going to do when you get out of school?" Keith said looking at Lance.

"Maybe climb the Appalachian trails,"Lance said. "Or write a book."

"Or learn to sail." Keith said said looking at the sun.

'Wouldn't that be cool' Lance thought.

"I wish that Allura would notice me," Lance said out of nowhere. Keith rolled his eyes. "But I know she never will."

'Who would fall in love with a geek like me any way' Lance thought.

Keith then got up snapping lance out of his thoughts and ran to the tallest tree lance has ever seen.

"Follow me!" Keith shouted.

Keith started climbing up the tree leaving Lance to follow after.
Lance looked up to see darkness all around him and tiny little lights flickering in the sky. He blinked and the light that was once there came back and Keith was sitting on the branch above. Lance sat on the branch. Darkness came back and Lance felt tears fall down from his face. He closed his eyes and opened them to a cracking sound. Lance was frightened.

Then......the branch gave way.

Lance was on the ground. His arm had gone numb. Lance looked around and then he saw Keith in front of him.

'He's come to get me' lance thought.

Keith picked Lance up and helped him walk home. When they arrived just before lance knocked he looked at Keith and said

"Please remember me for forever."

Keith smiled warmly and nodded. "I will," Keith said watching the stars above. Lance then knocked on the door and before it opened and Right before Keith disappeared Keith said.

"For forever."

The end

Wow that was amazingly short one-shot. I feel so bad now for doing this!! Idk why. This is the worst thing I have ever done but.....please vote on this if you like it and comment what you thought!!



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