~Ummm what happened to keith and lance~

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Okay so I got a new phone so it took a while to remember my password but luckily I remembered it. So this was suggested by A_Wus_Heare this is a dog and cat au. Not dirty. So if your into that check out readytoslay01 Klance book. Okay so let's get to it!

Currently the team was fighting against Haggar. Well Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro were fighting against Lotor and Keith and lance were fighting Haggar. Well Haggar shot a laser at both Keith and lance making them pass out in pain and Haggar to dab and do the cabbage patch while escaping.

"Lance..Keith...are you two there?" Shiro asked through the coms. No answer. "Were coming to get both of you lotor escaped." Shiro said panting.

Lance woke up to a bright light.

"Am I in heaven?" Lance asked himself.

"No idiot now hold still." Pidge said poking a needle in lances skin making him tense. Lance looked around to find Keith with......cat ears? Lance looked to his right to see a tail next to him. He screeched and pushed it of the table but it came back.

"Lance....that's your tail." Hunk said stoping lance.

"How do I have a tail?" Lance asked.

"And dog ears." Shiro said.

Lance looked up and tried to look at them until Pidge smacked him and handed him a mirror. Lance whined and picked it up and looked at himself. He in fact did have dog ears. Lance was so shocked he fainted.

Keith woke up to lance being in front of him with dog ears and a tail.

"Umm hi la-Meow." Keith said until he was interrupted by a loud meow.

Keith covered his mouth in shock and lance grinned and barked. 'Da flip' Keith then closed his eyes and kept meowing until he got on his knees and crawled around. Lance barked and followed Keith. Which made Keith run and lance to follow. The team watched from the hallway as they chased each other down the hallway. Lance finally jumped on top of Keith and licked his face making Keith hiss and push away. Lance whined and whimpered. Keith then walked over and rubbed against him (not in a wrong way) and purred softly. Make lance smile and cuddle to Keith. Pidge fan girlies silently. Shiro tried hard no to laugh. Hunk was crying from how cute it was. Allura and Corab were smiling ear to ear. Keith finally stopped and laid on lances chest and purred louder. The team pulled out their phones and took pictures and videos.

"How long will this last?" Shiro asked Pidge.

"Until Tomorrow." Pidge said disappointed.

Keith and lance finally got up and ran to the kitchen when the team finally caught up still videoing. Lance was chasing the mice. Keith was sitting on the counter, eating space goo, and looking at the mice with a legit poker face. Lance finally caught the mice with his mouth but instead of hurting it he put it in an bowl. Keith finally got up and walked to lance and sat next to him.

"Meow...."Keith meowed softly into lances ear and making lance blush.

Lance scrambled back and ran under the table. Keith followed and laid next to lance softly. Lance looked at the peaceful Keith before doing the same. The team then all fan girled and dance boyed and left the two alone.

Lance woke up to Keith next to him. Lance jolted up and hit the bottom of the table. He groaned in pain. Keith finally woke up and did the same.

"Why are we under the table?" Keith asked.

"I don't know." Lance said crawling out from under it and helped Keith up off the floor. The team finally walked in to see them Normal and Pidge lifted her phone up.

"I have proof and black mail in my hand." Pidge said waving it around.

Lance and Keith jumped towards it but missed. After trying to get it hunk finally got annoyed and showed the the pictures and after that lance and Keith were blushing many flabbergasted (love this word) and that's how and why they got together the next day!!

Klance one shots (Warning: Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now