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Guys......this might be cringey. More than the others....like this is so cringey that crippling depression meme dude might be jealous. So this one was requested a lot soooooooo here it is!

Allura walked calmly into the control room to find five babies sitting on the floor babbling and a speechless Coran standing by them.
"Whats happened here?"Allura asked looking at the babies.
"I'm guessing the beam that hit them in battle...turned them into tiny infants?" Coran said not really sure.
Allura watched as baby Shiro walked over to her and reached his hands up to her.
"Hole me." Baby Shiro said.
Allura picked him up and Shiro curdled up into her.
Baby Pidge and Hunk were trying to climb things while baby Keith and Lance were laughing and chasing each other.
"Ey Can,"Baby Lance said pulling at Corans jeans.
"I'm a pincess like Aloe-Vera."
Allura and Coran tried not to laugh from the names Lance gave them.
"Ands I'm a knife." Baby Keith said.
"No knighth." Lance said to Keith.
"I wanna be a Knife." Keith said back to him pouting.
"Fin youz an bee a knife." Lance said to him.
"Yay!" Keith cheered and grabbing lances hand.
"Let's go!" Lance cheered and dragged Keith off.
"Hey Disney." Pidge said to Allura. "Where's Mulan?"
"No. She not a pincess Pidgeon." Hunk said to Pidge.
"I am a princess." Allura said still holding Shiro.
"Weally?" Hunk and Pidge asked with wide eyes.
"Yes I am." Allura said.
"Put meh down peasant!" Shiro screamed.
"Dang okay okay." Allura said sitting Shiro down who ran off in the direction Keith and Lance went in.
Lance and Keith came running back smiling and laughing.
"Dragon!!" Keith screeched and Shiro Came out running after them.
"Here comes dat boi!!" Lance,Keith,and Shiro screamed.
Lance grabbed Keith's hand and they hid under the table.
Keith giggled and Lance shushed him as Shiro walked by.
Coran stood there confused of what they were doing and Allura was still talking to Pidge and Hunk.
Shiro then found both of them and tackled
them causing all of the to laugh and play fight.
A few seconds later Keith, Lance, and Shiro ran up to Allura.
"Me and Keef are mawwied and Shiro iz ur Husbin." Lance said as Keith and Shiro blushed.
Allura blushed and picked up them up.
"I think it's time to get y'all to sleep." Allura said.
"Awww man." Lance and Keith pouted holding each others hands.
"Come on." Allura said and walked out to see Lance giving Keith a piggy back ride, Shiro talking with Pidge, and Hunk skipping along behind her.
Allura smiled and put them in her room on the bed.
"You need to go to sleep." Allura said as lance cuddled up to Keith.
Shiro slept at the end of the bed, Pidge fell sleep on the floor, and hunk laid beside her spread out.
Shiro woke up to find himself not in his room.
Shiro groaned and looked over to see Keith and lance cuddling.
Shiro smiles at the two and went to get off the bed to, but stopped once he saw Pidge and hunk of the floor.
Shiro made a face of disgust when he saw Pidges foot in hunks mouth and her other foot on his stomach.
Hunk woke up and started gagging.
"Stop gagging dude." Pidge said to Hunk.
"Your foot was in my mouth!! I have the right to gag." Hunk said.
"Shhh." Shiro said pointing at Keith and lance who were still sound asleep.
"Called it." Pidge said taking a photo of them.
"Great now I owe Pidge a twenty." Hunk said handing a twenty to Pidge who had an evil look on her face.
Shiro hopped of the bed and walked out of the room with Pidge and hunk trailing behind.
Lance woke up and fell off the bed when he saw Keith next to him.
"Keith?!" Lance screeched.
"Lance." Keith said getting up.
"How...What?!" Lance said until Keith kissed him.
"Shut up."

Klance one shots (Warning: Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now