-For Forever (Rewrite)-

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((Ah after a thousand years I have returned from my forsaken whole of writers block and tears. Nice to know I wasn't missed lol. So this is a rewrite bc I suck at writing and cringe when I reread these, so I'm just gonna *slams delete key* YEET.))

Lance didn't know what to feel.
He didn't know but the constant lying was taking a toll on him.
Yes he hated lying to Allura and her family, but he hated that he was lying to himself.
He told himself everything was okay but it actually wasn't.

"We were good friends." Lance finally said looking up at Alluras mom

"You were?" She asked already smiling...a sad smile to be specific.

"Yeah we always went to that orchard." Lance said

"Talk about it. When did you two go? Was it fun? Tell me everything." She said sitting down at the table infront of him

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Allura looking at him curious also.

He took a deep breath "okay."
Lances point of view

"I was walking down the dirt road to the Forrest by the orchard. I...um...felt really bad for what happened to Keith and I needed some time to think. I continued walking when I noticed some thing standing in the distance at first my first thought was to run away and scream at people there's a person trying to kill me but when I got closer I noticed it was....Keith," Lance said and Alluras mom was already tearing up but leaned in closer already entranced in the story.
Allura eyed him skeptical.
"My first instinct was to make sure it was him so I just asked him if he was Keith. He didn't answer though he simply nodded and walked away toward the cliff side. Oddly enough a few minutes later we were watching the sun go down. Together." Lance said pausing

"Wait wait. I'm confused was he alive?" Alluras dad asked

"Shush." Alluras mom said "go on."

Lance gulped and sighed shakily
"Well being best buds and all he said there's no where else he'd rather be and I couldn't help but to agree. He was always there for me so he was...family. Though when reality hit me I knew that it wasn't real-."
Lance looked at Keith

'Isn't her supposed to be dead?' Lance thought not making it a statement but a question as if he didn't know.

Keith was smiling slightly his hair blowing in the wind.

"He looks peaceful." Lance said not realizing he said it aloud

"What was that?" Keith asked he's hand becoming translucent.

Lance shook his head softly and looked up at the sky smiling. It wasn't yet dark but it was getting there.

"What are you planning to do when schools out?" Keith asked lance curiously genuinely wanting to know

"I don't know...hm maybe! Climb the Appalachian Trails?" Lance said not really knowing what he'd do

"Or write a book." Keith suggested "or even learn to sail."

Lance sighed "wouldn't that be cool."

"We after that just talked about girls we'd wish would notice us." Lance said looking at Allura who looked away. "Keith rolled his eyes half the time...because we both knew we'd never get any girl to like us...i mean who'd fall in love with geeks like us?"

Keith stood up "Come on." He said helping lance up and ran to the nearest tree which happened to be the tallest.

Lance chased after laughing and stopped in front of it and noticed Keith climbing up "up here!"

Lance climbed up the tree and instantly stopped noticing the sky was darker...blacker and tears were falling down his cheeks.

He blinked his eyes keeping them closed for a second before the light and brightness that was once present was clear again and lance smiled climbing up sitting next to Keith on one of the branches.

Keith smiled at lance kindly and lance smiled back before a distant cracking sound filled his ears and the night sky instantly came to view as he slammed onto the ground the branch landing a few feet beside him.

Lance laid on the ground gasping for air and couldn't move since he lost all feeling in his body mostly his arm.

Keith yelled his name as lances vision grew blurry.

"He came to get me." Lance said

Alluras mom was crying and her dad was standing there a bit shocked.

Allura was frowning slightly and sighed "I'm sorry."

Lance made it to his house Keith walking beside him.

"Please remember me." Keith said

Lance smiled weakly. "I will," he said as Keith faded into the sky and the stars glowed brighter "for forever."

The end

((Lmao this was baaadd. Please comment and vote.....please?))

Klance one shots (Warning: Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now