~All Alone~

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(Angst(kinda)- fluff)

Keith woke up to Lance by his side. Keith smiled they had started dating three months ago and they were the happiest months of his life but sadly....Keith still felt blue.
Keith got out of bed and went to his lions hanger. Red immediately turned on (not like that frens...dirty minded people). Keith sat in front of red who laid her head on the ground. Keith rubbed reds nose which made her purr making the castle vibrate a little.

Everybody woke up to the ship vibrating and reds tiny roars. Everybody ran to reds hanger to see Keith sitting in front of red. Everybody hid in the room to watch what was happening.
  "Hey red....do you have a family?" Keith asked red which shocked them.
  Red hummed softly.
  "I had a family before," Keith said which made everybody think what does he mean by 'had'. "I never meet them....because they died when I was little."Everybody tensed when he said that.
  Keith started tearing up.
  "After we defeat Zarkon, the galra, and some other purple weirdos," Keith smiled at what he said and everybody smiled too. Then Keith's smile disappeared. "Who will I go back to on earth?"
  Red hummed making the floor vibrate. 
  "It's just...Voltron is the only family I've ever had...and I'm scared to lose all of them." Keith said sadly while everybody looked at him in pity.
  "Maybe I'm not good enough for the team...my temper gets the best of me...I always make Lance mad...Pidge probably sees me as a bad friend..and did you see the face hunk made when I said I was galra and when I was mad...he's probably scared to death of me now...Shiro probably disappointed in me that I can't go one day with getting angry..Allura sees me as a threat and a monster...and Coran....he probably just sees me as messed up hothead person with an emo mullet." Keith said depressed he tried to cheer himself up at the end but failed. Everybody was shocked at what he said. Lance was wide eyed, Pidge was looking down, Hunk was crying, Shiro was trying to calm down hunk, Allura looked up in pity at Keith, and Coran was about to cry.
  "I...I just wish I could meet my parents just once...and maybe I'll be able to calm down." After Keith said that red roared and all could you hear was loud thumping until all the lions of Voltron were in the room. Everybody watched as the lions sat around Keith making a kinda star and Keith was in the middle of it. Keith looked at them in shock and them the lions hummed together and Keith looked at them weirdly until he turned around to see a hologram of his parents. Keith looked at them in shock and he burst into tears. They watched as Keith fell to the ground crying. They looked at the holograms as they walked to Keith and sat in front of him.
  "You must be Keith." The woman hologram said. Keith looked up and nodded.
  "You grew up to be a handsome man." The galra woman said smiling at him.
   "Just like his dad." The man hologram said flexing his arm. Which made lance quietly snort.
  The galra woman hologram slapped the man hologram.
  "Wait your my dad and you my mom?" Keith said.
   "Yep....in case you didn't know I'm Marie Kogane..an-" Marie said until the man hologram cut her off.
  "And I'm Mike Kogane." He said finger gunning making the team except Lance roll their eyes.
  "Y'all must have some of the Paladins personalties." Keith said thinking of lance.
  The lions all hummed.
  "But Keith I want you to know something...we died trying to protect you..the galra were after me since I had the blade of Maroma and was galra...when I tried to go alone your father wouldn't let me,so we left you when you were old enough to learn things in your own...so we could fight the galra...,but then Zarkon attacked us and....we both died." Marie said sadly.
  Keith looked shocked.
  "We're very sorry." Marie said and Mike nodded.
  "Don't apologize and hey I'll kick Zarkons crippled butt for y'all." Keith said smiling.
The team laughed quietly.
  Marie and Mike smiled until Marie kissed his head and hugged him while Mike patted his shoulder and they disappeared.
  The lions hummed sadly until they got closer to Keith so he could lean on them.
"Thanks guys..robots...buddies...lions... whatever I'm supposed to call y'all." Keith said. The team laughed. Until they walked to Keith and stared at him sadly. Keith looked up at them before looking down.

They listened to what happened Keith thought they might think im a wimp now.
Then being drawn out of his thought lance hugged him and one by one the team all came and hugged him tightly.
  "We love you Keith with all our hearts and never think that we don't other wise...were family Keith which means no ones left behind." Lance said.
Keith snorted. "Was that a Lilo and Stitch reference."
Lance smiled. "Maybe." Keith looked at him lovingly until everybody got up and left and the team let the two be alone.
  "I love you Keith and never think for once that I don't or you'll have to face the consequences." Lance said.
  "What are the consequences." Keith said smirking.
  "You'll never figure out because your never going to think otherwise that I don't love you." Lance said smiling.
   "I love you too lance." Keith said.
Lance lifted Keith's chin up and kissed him deeply not full of Lust or need, filled with love and passion.

  "I love you Keith so much." Lance said hugging him close.
   "I love you too Lance." Keith said snuggling into Lance.

     That's the end booooooiiiiiiiiiiissssssss

That was the worst thing I've ever written and no one can tell me other wise. *eyes y'all glaringly*


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