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"Papí....daddy."A young boy called as he walked into the room where his parents were arguing.

"Papí?" The little boy asked directing his question to the tallest male in the room.

The So said male turned to him.
"Yes, Marcus?"The tallest male asked picking him up.
"Why are you and daddy fighting." Marco asked.
The tallest male turned to the shortest and they both sighed.
"It's complicated..." the shortest male said.
"I'm sowwy it's compicated." Marcus said resting his head on the tallest males shoulder.
"Lance we have to do this." The shortest male said.
"I know Keith. What do we do? We can't leave him here. He's our child. I can't possibly bring him up into space and put his life at edge." Lance said rocking Marcus back and forth.
"Lance...I don't know what to do either...we have to bring him...we'll keep him safe." Keith said.
The young child was confused of what was happening and was gonna ask them but his father spoke before him.
"Okay..let's go Voltron needs us."

10 years later

The teenage boy looked at the helmet. Tears brimming his eyes.
'How am I supposed to do this?' The teenage boy thought holding the helmet tightly.
The boy wanted to scream in frustration and sadness.
He was now a paladin of Voltron. He was meant to pilot either red or blue, but how could he. Both his fathers died fighting and he was stuck there to replace them.
The teenage boy looked up in the mirror Infont of him. His hair was black, curly and messy and his eyes were bright blue, but his skin was tan,slightly pale.
He looked terrible. He was only sixteen and had enough problems on his shoulders. He fell to the floor and started sobbing.

'Lead Voltron!' His mind screamed at him.

'The universe counts on you Marcus!'

'Get up wimp!'

'Come on your parents depend on you!'




"I can't do this!" Marcus screamed sobbing loudly.

Everyone ran in to see the child of Keith and Lance McClain crying on the floor.

"I-I can't d-do it." Marcus stumbled out before he went unconscious.

"Papí where are we going?" Marcus asked his father.

"Into space, baby." Lance said to him with Keith walking by him.

"Why?" He asked.

"To save people. Like Superman does." Keith said to him.

"Y'all arrrree Suerman." Marcus asked eyes wide.

"Sorta more like Power Rangers." Lance said.

"Cool!" Marcus screeched.
"Daddy when can wez go house." Marcus asked Keith.

Keith sighed and picked up Marcus.

"Soon Marcey." Keith said rocking him.


Marcus woke up shaking and looked around to see Pidge in front of him. She had changed since the first time he'd seen her. She had long hair always pulled back into a pony tail and she wore a green shirt other than the jacket.

"Marcus...we all miss them....but we have to move on...I lost my father....and my mother was found dead....I only have my brother and all of you....you have all of us to help you. Voltron needs you  and sometimes things we love don't last." Pidge said sitting next to Marcus.

"I miss them." Marcus said crying.

"I know...we all do." Pidge said as all the team walked in.

"I still can't believe they're gone." Hunk said.

"Me either." The rest of the team said.

"Ya know Marcus. I hold my back myself from crying when I see you." Allura said sitting next to him.

"Why?" Marcus asked.

"You remind me so much of both of them." Allura said rubbing his back.

"Your like a mixture of the both." Shiro said.

"Like a Steven universe fusion." Matt said.

Marcus smiled at him.

"Like a sapphire and ruby fusion except two rivals and no gems." Pidge said.

"We truly miss them, but we need to move on." Coran said tears falling down.

Marcus looked down and everyone looked at him.

"I will pilot a lion." Marcus said.
Marcus stood in front of the house he lived in fourteen years ago. The universe was now free of villains at least that's what the thought for now. Marcus stared sadly at the house. No life was seen there. Marcus walked up to the door and opened it to be meet with a familiar smell of ocean. He walked around the house to see photos of him and his parents. Tears slid down his face as he saw one that caught his eye. It was him and his parents at the carnival. He took it off the wall and held it as he walked through the house. It was empty and sad. No lance joking around or Keith yelling at him. No Keith or lance singing along to songs. No laughter. No voices or movement except Marcus. Marcus went to his parents old room and looked around to see that it was messy and stuff scattered everywhere.

"Lance we need to hurry." Keith said scattering stuff everywhere trying to grab all his things.

"I know. I know." Lance said packing his stuff accidentally dropping a necklace of his.

Keith picked Marcus up and grabbed their suit cases and ran out to see a white haired woman standing there.

Marcus grabbed the necklace by the bed. It had a blue gem in the middle and a red one next to it. Marcus remembered his fathers  both having one. Marcus put it around his neck and walked to his room. Marcus stared at the bed in the room and sat on it.

"I love you." Keith and Lance said. Keith kissing Marcus on the fore head and Lance rubbing his forehead soothingly.

"I wove bof of you." Marcus said hugging them.

"We love you more." They both said hugging him back.

Marcus felt more tears falling down his face. He picked up his picture and walked out of the house to meet Hunk and Pidge.

"We're gonna go in and get everything." Pidge said.

"Okay." Marcus said walking to the woman who wanted to buy the house.

"Hi I'm Kadi Belind,Famous book writer, and daughter of June and Lori Belind,"She said
shaking his hand. "And you are?"

"I'm Marcus McClain,Paladin of Voltron," Marcus said watching as Kadi's eyes widen. "Son of Keith and Lance McClain, past paladins of Voltron."


Okay guys that was bad! I mean seriously I write terrible! Well tell me what you think!!

Klance one shots (Warning: Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now