Chapter 1

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Annie's POV

"Annie are you okay!" Bertolt asked from outside the bathroom door. "You've been acting weird lately! Me and Reiner are worried."

Of course, I'm not okay. I fucked up big time. Since I did get fucked.

I glared a the pregnancy test in my shaking hands. I didn't like it. I didn't like the answer I got. I didn't like it. I hated it.

"Open up Annie! You've locked yourself in the bathroom for two straight hours. I will push it open if I have two!" Reiner yelled. "Besides Bert could easily break down walls."

My mouth was slightly opened, tasting the salty water that was dripping from my eyes. I was crying. No sobbing. My eyes were poofy red as I stared in the bathroom mirror.

I've been crying for the past two hours.

I heard the smash of the bathroom door as Bert crashed into it coming off of its hinges. Reiner was behind him with a tissue box and chocolate chip cookies.

"My poor baby." Bert murmured as he hugged me. "What happened?" I hugged back, my hands clutching at his blue t-shirt. My tears coming in contact with the shirt. I sobbed not controlling my tears anymore. "Shh. It's okay you can tell me anything. You know that right?" Reiner had already picked up the door and put it into another room. Before I knew it Bert dragged me into the living room and placed me on the couch gently and he wrapped a baby blue blanket around my shoulders.

Reiner was in the kitchen making my favorite strawberry smoothie with some blueberry's added in. With a pink straw too. Once he came back he gently put the smoothie in my hand and I took gently sips trying to calm down. Reiner's hand making circle motions on my back to comfort me, while Bert gently rubbed my left hand that wasn't holding the cup of smoothie. 

"Please help us understand, Annie," Reiner begged. "Explain, please. We want to help."

"Annie if you don't want us to know," Bert started "please just give us a hint."

I slowly handed the drink to Reiner and started to find my voice, the only thing I could choke out was, "Bathroom..." Bert stood up and went directly to the bathroom, Reiner watching my slowly hold the smoothie to my mouth while I drank it.

Minutes passed but they we heard Bert's voice, "Who the fuck did this to you, Annie!?" He walked back into the living room, his hand holding the positive pregnancy test in his hand, gripping it very hard. He gave it to Reiner, whose eyes widen then looked at me then at the test then at me.

"Who?!" He yelled out. He calmed down his voice. "Please, Annie tell us."

I looked at them before slowly answering, "Mikasa. Mikasa Ackerman."

. . .

Mikasa's POV

"Eren! Wake up!" I yelled. "We have classes remember. We're in college!" I already was ready I had my books and things, ready to go to Hanji Zoe's health class. Eren walked out of his room and into the kitchen to get breakfast. He also already dressed. Lucky for him I was here because I already got his paper's and binder and books organized on the table so all he had to do was grab it and go.

"Alright let's get going." He answered after finishing his food and grabbed his book's. I nodded and followed him out.

We made our way around Campus, other student's staring at us because we were one of those popular kids. Some student's using their skateboard or bike so they could save time and make it to class in time. 

I and Eren share a dorm together, while Armin shares a dorm with Jean. Shasha and Connie. There was one group where there could be three in a dorm and that went to the Trio. I and my friend don't know them but we know of them.

Something about them being the biggest nerd group on Campus. I always laugh when I hear that.

Eren, my brother not by blood, has a weird relationship with our gym teacher Levi. I'm pretty sure there dating.

Connie and Sasha are dating.

Jean and Marco are dating.

People ask me when I'm ever going to get someone but I always say I don't need anyone. My one-night-stands are good enough.

Anyway's me and Eren made our way inside out Health class and sat down at our seats. Once the bell rang the Teacher did roll call.

"Annie?" She asked. No one responded. "Absent."

Wasn't Annie my one-night-stand four weeks ago.

"Bertolt?" Again no one responded. "Absent."

"Reiner?" No one responded. "Absent." After that Hanji didn't do the roll call and yelled out, "My best student's aren't here! Why has the God finally decided to mess with me! Now I'm stuck with these- these things that don't study!"

I winced at how loud she screamed. Everyone else did too. I notice Armin sink into his chair after hearing that he wasn't one of those 'best students'. 

I scoffed, 'Best Students?' more like 'Teacher's pet's'. Stuck up smart asses. Losers.

Classes past until we had lunch. All the classes I had with Annie. she wasn't there. Reiner and Bertolt too. Now it was lunch and they weren't here too. I sat with my friends. "Alright. Mikasa who was your last one-night-stand?" Jean asked, drinking some of his soda.

"Annie," I replied. Me and Jean usually have these conversations and everyone would listen 99% would laugh while Armin the 1% would say that we shouldn't use people for our own benefits.

But I was surprised when Armin didn't say anything, "You guys shouldn't do that anymore." Ymir said. Her eyes looking at us.

"Come on," Eren started. "Ever since you met Krista or Historia or whatever you've been so good lately."

"No, I haven't-"

"Loosen up a bit," Jean assured. "Everything is fine."

"Guys." Armin started but no one listened.

"Not everything is fine, asshole." Ymir hissed.

"Guys." again Armin.

"God Ymir what the fuck happened," Eren said. "You used to find enjoyment from this."


"What?!" Everyone yelled out annoyed.

"Two big tall guys are glaring at Mikasa and making their way here for what looks like a fight!"

"Please Armin," Eren said. "If anyone glares at Mikasa they would be dead. Who ever is glaring is asking for a death wish."

"Guys! Fucking look for once in your fucking life!" Armin yelled. When ever Armin yelled and cussed that meant something was up.

And we did.

We saw tall people.

With looks that could kill if you stared too long.

They were looking at me.

Making their way towards me.

They wanted to kill me.

And for.

The first time in my life I was petrified.

. . . . . . 

Alright, first chapter up!

This was a draft for as long as I could remember I'm finally happy that I posted it.

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