Chapter 18

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Mikasa POV

I let my hand flow through Annie's hair as she slept silently beside me. I smiled happily as I placed my lips to her head for a couple of seconds and then pulled away. She turned in her sleep, so she was facing me. Her head cuddled into my chest, her silent breathing telling me she was still asleep.  

I let my thoughts drift. One more month until the baby was due. It made me anxious, nervous. Annie had stopped me from worrying too much. She believed I would be a good mother. She said that there was nothing to worry about and that she knew our child would love me. I closed my eyes, trying to calm down my worries.  Everything would be okay, I had to remind myself. 

"Good morning." I hear Annie whisper softy, sleep still evident in her voice. 

I smiled, "Good morning, beautiful." I kissed her forehead. Annie smiled before lifted her head up slightly and placing her lips on mine. I pulled back slightly. "How was your sleep?"

Annie giggled slightly before answering, "It was okay, thank you for asking. Now, give me more kisses." I grinned at her and complied. "Do you have any school work to do?" 

I frowned and rolled my eyes. "I always do." 

She laughed and shook her head. "Come on, help me out of bed, make me some chocolate milk and start that work of yours." 

I pouted before slipping out of bed and helping her up. "Work is boring," I stated as we walked into the living room and let her sit on the couch, and walked towards the kitchen to make both of us some chocolate milk and breakfast.  

"I know," I heard her say. "but hard work will be beneficial in the future." I rolled my eyes at that but continued my task of making us chocolate milk. After a couple of minutes, I walked back into the room and handed her one of the cups. She smiled at me and took a small sip. "Thank you." 

I smiled at her and sat next to her. "No problem, baby." 

"Two more months." She stated after a peaceful silence. I smiled slightly knowing what she was referring to. "School is almost over too, I'm proud of you. You've been working really hard to bring your grades up." 

"Just for you," I replied instantly. "In the beginning, I didn't really care about them," I admitted quietly, taking another sip of the chocolate milk. "They never really interested me." 

Annie chuckled slightly shuffling closer to me. "I know. I'm glad you decided to work and better yourself though. It makes me happy. Are you still scared?" She whispered. 

I closed my eyes and nodded shakily. "A bit," I answered honestly. "I don't want to mess up." 

She gently placed her cup on the table in front of us and then wrapped her arms around her. "We're all gonna mess up." She giggled. "It's how it works but our baby isn't going to hate you." 

"Ummmmm, I don't know about that last one." 

"You're an idiot." She giggled. "Our future baby isn't going to hate you. I promise." 

"Pinky promise?" 

"Pinky promise." She kissed my lips gently before shuffling back slightly. "Now go finish your work." 

"Yes, Princess." 

Days seemed to go by faster for the two. Soon enough graduation came for everyone. Right after getting their diplomas, they went out to eat, not wanting to stay on campus anymore because most of them hated it all. 

Everyone had met Annie, expressed their congratulations, surprising Jean seemed to enjoy spending time with the blonde girl which Mikasa found shocking but was glad that her girlfriend was able to enjoy the presence of her friends.   

"How are you feeling?" Mikasa asked her girlfriend the moment the blonde woke up. They had ended up getting a small apartment after graduation, enough to make the two feel comfortable, Mikasa didn't really care as long as her girlfriend was happy with it. 

Carla had helped Mikasa get a small internship job at the hospital she worked in, which Mikasa was grateful for, and surprisingly, Mikasa seemed to enjoy working there. 

Annie groaned. "Death." 

Mikasa chuckled. "It's almost the day baby." She responded. "You'll be okay, I promise," Annie murmured something under her breath as she walked up to Mikasa. "Hi, beautiful." Mikasa complimented, placing a soft kiss on Annie's forehead. "Do you want anything to eat? I can make breakfast." 

Annie shook her head. "I'm not that hungry." The blonde admitted softly. "I'll just get some water." 

"That's okay. Just make sure to eat something soon." Mikasa instructed softly at her girlfriend. 

"I know." Annie giggled before walking towards the couch and sat down. Mikasa smiled, before heading into their small bedroom and got Annie's blanket and covered her with it. "Thank you." 

"Of course." Mikasa smiled at her as she sat down next to her girlfriend. 

They sat in silence watching the TV. Around an hour later Mikasa had gotten up to make both of them some food. They ate in silence together, none of them seemed to mind. It was a peaceful silence, it's wasn't uncomfortable. Both of them enjoyed the silence. 

Mikasa spent most of the time looking at her girlfriend, while Annie's eyes stayed glued on the TV. They had small conversations here and there, mainly Mikasa checking in on Annie and asking how she was feeling. 

The baby's due date was coming up soon and Mikasa had been worried, making sure Annie felt nothing but perfect for the time being. Mikasa grimaced when she played the scene of the baby coming out in her head. 

"I love you," Mikasa said out loud. 

Annie looked over to her girlfriend and smiled at her, "I love you too, Mikasa. Come over here." Annie chuckled and Mikasa did as told. "Give me a small kiss." 

Mikasa smiled and did as told once more, placing her lips on Annie's. 

Annie giggled. "Okay now, can you please go get my phone from the charger?" 

Mikasa rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. "Anything for you, baby." 

Mikasa walked into the bedroom and got over to the nightstand and carefully unplugged the phone. While she was heading out of the bedroom her eyes looked over at the picture that was on one of the drawers. 

It was their graduation picture, Mikasa smiled looking at it. Both of them looked so happy. Next to that picture was another picture of them with all their friends in one group picture. Mikasa smiled brightly at it, everyone was so happy. 


Mikasa jumped out of her skin, eyes wide, and ran out of the room. "What's wrong?" She asked quickly. 

"My water broke." 

Only two more chapters to go. I'm sorry for being gone for so long :c 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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