Chapter 5

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Mikasa's POV.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt movement. I looked around and noticed that Annie had ran to the bathroom. I push myself off the couch and slowly made my way to the bathroom. The door was slightly opened that the light of the room showed.

As I walked closer I heard Annie throwing up. "Annie?" I asked as I opened the door slightly peeking through. I saw her kneeled down. Her face flushed red. I pulled her hair behind her gently.

Minutes passed before she stopped. "Thank you, Mikasa." She whispered. "Can you bring me to my room?"

I nodded helping her up and guided her to her room. Annie gave me directions since I didn't know anything about this dorm.

I looked around her room as I gently put her on her bed.

She has lots of posters for P!ATD. There was a skateboard carefully laid on the wall. Her bed was queen sized enough for two people.

I guided her to her bed and she laid down. "So, where am I sleeping?" I asked her not making eye contact.

"On the couch." She answered. Her eyes barely open.

"But I don't have a pillow or a blanket," I informed. I really didn't mind if I didn't have those things. I really just wanted to sleep next to her.

"Sleep in my bed then," She exclaimed. "I just want to get some sleep!"

I nodded and walked to the other side of her bed and laid down next to her. She turned around so her back was facing me.

I felt disappointment at that.

. . .

In the morning my eyes opened by the ring of my phone. I felt weight on my chest. I looked down and noticed Annie snuggled up against me.

She looked so cute in her sleep. I got my phone out and answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Mikasa!" Eren shouted. "Why aren't you in class! The bell is going to ring in four minutes! And it takes at least five minutes to get to class!"

"Don't scream," I stated. "It's morning." I heard Annie groan and move. Annie opened her eyes and then they widen when she noticed that she was using me as a pillow.

"Sorry." She muttered.

"Who's that?" Eren asked.

"No one. Got to go. Bye." I answered and ended the call.

"Who was that?" Annie asked as she stood up.

"My brother."

. . .

I walked out of Annie's dorm closing the door behind me. Annie said she didn't start her classes until another hour.

Lucky her.

I was already five minutes late for my class. I didn't mind though.

I opened my class door and then their was Ms. Tree. Well that's not her real name but she really liked tree's and since Eren called her that on the first day everyone kinda just went with it and our teacher didn't mind.

"Sorry I'm late." I said nonchalantly and walked over to Eren who was giving me the 'I'm disappointed with you' look. I rolled my eyes and took my seat next to him.

"This isn't good for you Mikasa." Eren warned tapping his pencil on the desk. "If mom see's your grades dropping for stupid reason she will get mad and no one likes a mad Carla."

I took a deep breath knowing Eren was right. "Yeah I know."

"You know yet you do the complete opposite." He chuckled lightly. His head turned to me. "Are you still staying over at Sasha's dorm?"

"Sasha's dorm why would I be there?" I asked confused.

"You said that you would be at Sasha's dorm?"

I was shocked but I hid it well. "Oh yeah. I forgot. Yeah I'm staying there for a couple of more days."

Eren looked at me strangly before looking in the front where the teacher was explaining some thing. "Whatever you say sis."

. . .

I know this isn't long and it took me forever to update and I'm sorry!

I started school awhile ago and it's been frustrating. Next week I have three tests to take and I need to study. My teachers don't know the meaning of 'taking a break'. My World History teacher already made me do three essays!

It could take weeks and maybe months before I update again.

I'm so so so very sorry.

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