Chapter 14

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Mikasa POV

"Let's take these with baby steps. Once the first thing, we should do?" Annie asked me, grabbing my hand and caressing it. 

This is so complicated! My friends don't know about this, my dad doesn't know about this, Eren doesn't even know about this. Maybe I should tell them?

But I'm scared. What if they don't accept it? What if Grisha doesn't like it? What if my friends don't want to be friends with me after this? 

"Stop thinking about what if's," Annie stated. "It's going to help us any bit. We should tell you're friends first, get that part out of the picture and then start worrying about the other important things." Annie explained.

I let out a shaky breath but nodded anyway. 

"Now I'm craving pickles with peanut butter. Go get me some." Annie ordered. I smiled and nodded getting up from my sitting position. 


. . . 

Now we were in Annie's room. "Who do you want to tell first?" Annie asked after she finished eating a pickle that was dipped into peanut butter. 

I felt like throwing up as I watched her eat the disgusting combination. I turned my head so I was staring at a wall. 

"I think I should tell Eren first," I muttered. I looked at the digital clock that was on Annie's nightstand. 

3:35 pm. 

Alright, he doesn't have any classes right now. So this will be a good time to tell him.

"Good," Annie muttered taking another bite. "Now he could stop calling me fat." I shook my head when I saw her take another bite. "Do you want some?" She asked when she saw me looking. 

"Noooo!" I exclaimed. "How do you even like that? It's a disgusting combination!" Annie's expression turned to one of sadness. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Annie. Don't be sad." 

. . .

I walked into the dorm, Eren was on his computer playing video games. I'm going to be blunt about this. 

"Hey, Eren." I greeted. 


"Guess what?"


"You're going to be an uncle."

"Great." He said tapping his mouse button repeatedly. "Wait.... what the fuck did you just say?" He asked looking over at me. 

"I'm going to be a mom-"

"What the fuck, Mikasa?" Eren asked super confused. "What? Who? But? When? What the?"

I took a deep breath. "I got Annie pregnant-"

"That's why she's gained weight? Because she has a baby? I thought she was fat! No wonder she hates me. Congratulation, does mom and dad know?" 

"Mom knows because she happened to be the doctor for Annie's appointments, so she slapped me with her clipboard, that's how she found out," I answered, pulling up a chair beside him. "I'm scared to tell dad, though. I feel like he wouldn't accept me or something." 

Eren rolled his eyes. "Dad would be stupid if he's not happy for you." Eren looked at me for a long while. "How did you get Annie pregnant?"

Mikasa coughed. "Well umm... do you want me to explain what happened or?"

Eren's eyes widened. "No! I didn't mean how, like when and why?" 

"We were drunk," I answered simply. "And stupid me didn't use protection." 

"What about our friends? Do they know?" Eren asked, shutting down his computer. 

"No, only Reiner and Bertolt but those are the only people our age that know," I explained. 

Eren nodded. "Why take forever to tell me?"

"I was scared," I admitted.

Eren smiled gently. "You didn't have to be. I'll always be here for you." 

I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks."

"No problem."  We broke apart from the hug. "I think you should tell dad before anyone else now."

I nodded. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea." 

Eren looked at the clock that was located on the wall. "You don't have any classes right?" I shook my head no. "Alright." He grinned grabbing his car keys off of the kitchen counter. "Let's get going." 

My eyes widen. "We're going now?" 

"Of course!" 

Before leaving I made sure to text Annie where I was going, once getting a reply Eren drove off.  

. . . 

"Mikasa, Eren, what a wonderful surprise," Grisha stated when he opened the door. "What brings you two here?" He asked stepping away from the door letting us in. 

"Mikasa want's to tell you something," Eren answered. "Over dinner. Mom!" He shouted. "Your wonderful kids are here! When is dinner ready?" 

"In a little bit." 

Grisha looked at Eren and then at me. "I'm sure whatever Mikasa want's to say she could say it right now. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" 

I took a deep breath. "I-"

"Mikasa would like to say it over dinner," Carla said coming into view. "Just be patient, Grisha." 

Grisha nodded. 

. . . 

Everyone looked at me. "I got my girlfriend pregnant." 

I looked over at Grisha as he stomped his fist against the table. "Are you kidding me, Mikasa?!" Grisha yelled out. "Were you dating her before?" Mikasa let out a shaky no. "How are you going to- Oh my god. How far along is she?"

"Two more month's until the baby is due," Mikasa answered. 

Grisha looked over to his wife. "Why are you so calm?"

Carla shrugged and laughed. "I already knew because I just happened to be the doctor for their appointment." 

Grisha frowned and turned to Mikasa. "Why did you take so long tell me this?" 

Mikasa slumped in her chair. "I was scared. I'm still scared."

Grisha sighed but smiled at her. "It's okay Mikasa. We'll help you through this. Now, next time you come to visit which I hope is in a week or two bring your girlfriend over so we can discuss this more further, okay?" 

Mikasa nodded. "Thank's dad." 

. . . 


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