Chapter 7

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Mikasa's POV

"Annie!" I heard two male voices shout with happiness. "We're back!"

Reiner and Bertolt. 

"What the fuck?" I heard Reiner say as he opened the door to Annie's room. "I leave for a fucking week and I see the person, who got you pregnant, in your bed?!"

Annie rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, suck it. Leave. I want to sleep."

. . . 

Finally, after a lot of shouts for Reiner, Annie decided to wake up, pushing me off the bed in the process. I groaned as I rubbed my forehead. I stood up looking at Annie. "You don't have to push me."

Annie rolled her eyes. "I don't care." She walked out her room, I followed.

"Go fuck yourself." I heard Annie mutter to Reiner as she walked into the small kitchen. "Can't let a poor defenseless girl sleep."

"You defenseless?" Reiner laughed. "Please, you're everything else but defenseless." He turned to me. "What are you doing here?" He hissed. 

"Helping Annie," I answered. 

His eyes bored into my eyes. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Annie said butting in. "Because she's not the one who left a pregnant girl alone in a college full of people."

. . .

I had left the three because I had to get to my classes. I walked into my first the class of the day. I sat in my seat, Eren wasn't here, which was a surprise. He was usually the first one. I looked around the class. Armin was burring himself in a book. Sasha had a bag of ships in her hand. Connie had his headphones on. Jean was sleeping. Marco was writing something on a piece of paper. 

The bell rang and Eren still wasn't here.

"Take out a blank piece of paper and write the notes that are shown on the smartboard." Ms. Tree explained. "We will be having a test on this in two days so I expect everyone to study."

The classroom door opened and Eren walked in, in a hurry. He slowly muttered a sorry for being a late and sat next to me and placed his binder on the desk and took out a paper. I slowly leaned next to him and whispered, "What happened?"

He looked at me, "I was with Levi and I didn't notice the time."

I bite my lip. "You could get in serious trouble from this relationship."

Eren nodded. "I know but I'm ready to take risks. I like him, he likes me, why not go for it?"

"Eren, Mikasa if your conversation is so important, why don't you tell it to the class." Ms. Tree said. We didn't reply. "That's what I thought."

. . . 

"Let's get going," I said to Eren placing my paper's of notes, neat handwriting, into my history binder. "We have Health." 

"You took notes." He laughed. 


. . . 

Hanji finally did the roll call, Annie was here so that brought my mood up. "We will be starting a new project today." She stated while laughing. "Easy project, so it should be a simple A for the people that are failing."


"You will have partners for this project. And no, I will be picking partners. Annie and Mikasa." Eren looked at me and whispered,

"Good luck, you'll need it. I heard that she's crazy, beat some dude up before."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay."

I got up from my seat and sat next to Annie and gave her a small smile, "Hey, how's it been going?"

She laughed softly. "We saw each other this morning but if you do want to know, horrible, Reiner's being a bitch."

I grinned. "What he do?"

"He doesn't like you."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I know and I don't care."

He rolled her eyes before writing something on a piece of paper, 'He want's you gone after the pregnancy.'

I wrote back. 'Why? I didn't do anything to him.'

She nodded before writing again. 'It's what you did to me, he thinks of me as a little sister.'

I yelled out an 'ohh'. I wrote something on the paper a gave it back to Annie. 'I'll show him that I could be a good person to you.'

The paper was ripped out of Annie's hand by Hanji. "Fuck," Annie hissed.

Hanji looked over the paper and blinked her eyes a couple of times before giving the paper back to Annie. "I would like to see you two after class."

Annie was literally on fire right now. I leaned over to her and whispered. "At least it was a teacher."

"That doesn't make it any better." Annie sneered lowering her head on the desk. "She's going to tell my dad, oh god, fuck, save me. My dad's going to kill me. Oh god. I fucked up." She looked up at me. "What about you're parents?"

"Well my parents died, I was adopted by Eren's parents. They seem like they would... I don't know... accept it?"

"Lucky. Well, not the part about your parents being dead."

"Why won't your dad accept you?" I quietly asked.

Annie looked at the desk. "He... he doesn't even accept my sexuality. I was a mistake to him."

I looked at Annie and knew there was much more than what she was saying.

. . . 

Thank you for your cookies.

They were delicious. 

I feel so proud of myself for updating again. 

If you haven't noticed, 'Skater Girl' has been put on hold. I found it very hard trying update two fanfics at the same time. I will probably continue the story after I finish this one. 

Sorry for any mistakes!

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