Chapter 3

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I walked down the hallway in a hurry. I was late for class and the worst part about it was that it was the last class of the day and that meant Gym

My teacher Levi Ackerman doesn't like it when people are late for his class.

They will make the person that was late run laps for three straight hours and stay after class to clean.

Oh, I am not related to him what's so ever but out side of Campus, we act like brother and sister.

"Brat you are late!" I heard is bored voice yell out. "Now tell me you're excuse like every other pathetic student so we could get this over with."

"I was talking with a friend," I answered. My eyes darting around the gym to see Eren and Armin looking at me. I could tell from their questioning expression they wanted to know what Reiner and Bertolt wanted to talk about.

"Tck." He muttered. "Go get changed into your gym clothes." I nodded and made my way towards the girl's locker room. Once I changed I dreaded walking out. I had a good figure the other girls always had that lusty look like they wanted to devour me or something but I don't give them the time of day.

I made my way towards Eren and Armin. "What did they want to talk about?" Eren immediately asked. "Do I need to beat them up for you? Did they hurt you? What happened?" He asked looking at me up and down for any bruises or something.

"Eren calm down," Armin stated. "I don't think those two are dumb enough to attack Mikasa." He looked at me. "Mind explaining what they wanted to talk about?"

"You know school project I didn't help out with. I was partnered with them and I didn't help." I lied. It was very easy to lie to these two. It doesn't take a professional.

Those two nodded. "Ackerman start you're running!" Levi yelled. I nodded and started running.

. . .

I could barely run. My thoughts were everywhere.

Is Annie okay?

Why do I even care? I'm only helping because it's the right thing to do. 

Maybe Annie was lying when she said she would keep the baby?


After class, I'm going to check on her.

. . .

I knocked on the door. It took awhile but Annie answered. "Mikasa. What are you doing here? Don't you have class?" I looked at her nodded.

"I'm just worried about you," I replied.

She shot me a glare. "Look you don't have to act like you care about me. You're only helping me through the nine months of being pregnant and then you could go get laid as much as you want. You could go get laid right now if you want. I'll just tell Reiner or Bertolt if I need you or anything. Bye." She closed the door in my face.

. . .

That failed. Is that what she thought of me?

It hurt to know that.

Why did it hurt so much?

So I walked to my dorm but before I could entire Sasha started a conversation. "Are you going to Connie's party today?"

I grinned. I always go to parties. "Yeah-"

But my thought wanders off to Annie. Would she like this?

Why do I care?

"Yeah. I'm going to the party tonight. What time?"

"9:30." She answered. I nodded and she left. As I opened the door to my dorm something caught my eye. I turned my head slightly to the right and looked.

Annie was laughing with Mina.


And I have to admit it sounds so beautiful.

But it should be me making her laugh.

Not someone else.

I shook my head and went into the dorm. Eren was already there located on the couch texting. "Who are you texting?" I asked coming up behind him.

"Levi." He casually said and kept texting. 

"Are you going to Connie's party today?" I asked as I sat on the couch with him.

"Yeah." He nodded closing his phone and putting it on the table. "So I saw you go to The Trio's dorm when I walked by. We barely know them 'Kasa. You acting differently ever since they talked to you. What happened?"

"Nothing," I said. "They just needed help with something."

"You're not going to tell me are you?" He asked. His eyes shifting over to mine. I nodded. "Well okay. When is the party again I forgot?"

"Sasha said 9:30," I answered. My hands grabbing my backpack on getting out my homework. "What time is it now?"

"8," Eren answered and grabbed his backpack as well. "Can I copy off of you?"

I looked at him. "You have to start paying attention in class but sure copy off of me. I don't care."

I saw him grin and take out a pencil as I started righting down the answers.

. . .

"Eren come on let's go!" I yelled out to him. I was already ready.

"Coming!" He yelled and came out of his room. "Let's go!"

So we made our way to Connie's party. As we walked down the sidewalk to the house. I spotted three figures.

The Trio.

Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie. They all walked into a restaurant. I felt jealousy when I saw Mina with them.

Annie is supposed to like me.

I shook my head.

Annie could like who ever the hell she want's and I won't care. "Come on Eren let's start going faster. We don't want to be late do we?"

. . .

"You made it!" Connie yelled out as we went inside the house. 

Music was blaring. Connie had a red cup in his hand. I looked around the house and so familiar student dancing to the music.

"Connie, is this even your house?" Eren asked him.

Connie laughed. "No, It's my parent's."

"Well, then your parent's must be fucking rich. This place is a mansion!" Eren yelled over the loud music and I decided to get a drink.

. . .

My head hurts. My eyes opened and I realized I was in my dorm. I tried to remember anything that happened last night but I couldn't.

I walked out of my room. "Eren what happened?"

He looked over his shoulder shrugging. "You got drunk." He then fully turned his body to me. "Think fast!" He said as he threw a water bottle my way.

And me being a great drunk.

I tried catching it.

"Wow. Mika, I did say think fast." Eren muttered.

"Whatever," I muttered grabbing the water bottle and taking a drink.

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