Chapter 10

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Mikasa's POV

"The baby kicked!" Annie yelled. I bolted up from my seat and ran towards her. "Mikasa! The baby kicked!" She was smiling so brightly.

I kneeled beside Annie and placed my hand on her growing stomach. I waited patiently for another kick. I feel it!" I exclaimed. "The baby's going to be a fighter."

"I'm so happy," Annie whispered. "Nothing could ruin this moment."

. . .

"What the fuck!" I winced when I hear Annie's ear piercing scream. "This is so complicated!" I heard Annie yell. "Stupid  VCP class I decided to take."

I looked over at Annie who was staring straight at the computer screen. Her eyes were squinting at the screen. Numbers increasing and decreasing.

"Mikasa! Get me limeade!"

I sighed before placing my pencils down on the table and getting up. I walked up to the refrigerator and grabbed a cup and poured some limeade into the cup. "Here you go."

"Thank you." She smiled. She turned in her seat. "We have to get an appointment soon again. I'm almost crossing five months."

I groaned, replaying the last time I was there. "I don't want to get hit by a clipboard." I frowned. "It hurt so much. I had to put ice on it for a week!"

Annie frowned, her lower lip quivering. "I thought you cared about me! Was it all a lie!"

I stared at her wide-eyed. "Where did you get that idea! I just said I didn't want to get hit by a clipboard again!"

. . . 

I stared at the board, writing notes as the teacher talked. I could feel the deathly stare from Eren. "Something changed you." I looked at him for a second before I averted my gaze back on the board. 

"I'm going to take an extra class," I stated. "I talked to my guidance counselor."

Eren rolled his eyes. "You're never in the dorm anyway. Who do you stay with anyway?"

I continued talking. "So, I'm taking a Medical Class in a week."

"You didn't even listen to me!"

"Eren Jaeger scream one more time and you'll be staying after class!"

Eren ducked his head and nodded towards the teacher. 

. . . 

Eren stared at his phone with terror on his face. "Mom wants us to go home for the weekend."

"I don't have too," I said smiling. "I met mom couple of days ago at the hospital."

"She says bring you too."

"Hurt yourself."

. . . 

"So I won't be here for the weekend," I said to Annie. 

Annie blinked her eyes before replying. "Okay."

"You were literally upset two minutes ago," I muttered.

"No, I was not!"

"Are these mood swings?" I asked.

"Mood swings! Mood swings! Does it look like fricking mood swings to you!"


"I can't curse in front of the baby," Annie muttered.

"I'm just going to go," I whispered.

"Tell your mom I said 'Hi!'" 

. . . 

"We're home!" Eren yelled in the house as he opened the door. "Mom! Dad!" I took my shoes off and walked inside. 

"My babies!" Carla exclaimed hugging Eren and me. "How are your grades doing?" She asked pulling away from the hug.

"Good." I smiled.

Carla looked at me. "Mikasa, how's that thing going?"

"What thing?"

"You know, the hospital?"

"Oh, Crazy," I muttered. "She has mood swings. She's happy one minute the next she's mad at me! It's annoying."

Carla laughed. "Okay, that's normal."

"She also says 'Hi'" 

"Wha??" Eren asked with a dumbfounded face. I looked at him shaking my head.

. . . 

It was dinner, everyone was seated. I was talking to Carla in the kitchen while Eren and his father sat at the table waiting.

"Mikasa, how do you plan on telling everyone?" Mom asked me. I bit my lip and looked at the floor. "Mikasa, how do you plan on providing for the baby? Have you even thought about the consequences? Does Annie's parent's know?"

"Her father doesn't know," I answered, unable to answer the other questions.

"What about her Mother?"

"Annie's mom isn't alive anymore," I whispered.

"Mikasa do you know what you're getting into?"


"Mikasa, you have to get a job-"

"I wi-"

"You have to know how to take care of a child-"

"I kno-"

"You need to have patience, something you don't have." Carla calmly spoke, picking up the plates and heading towards the dining room but stopping at the door. "If you can't handle Annie's mood swings, how are you going to handle the baby?"

. . . 

I ate my lunch quietly while everyone else talked to each other. Grisha turned his head to me. "How is school going?"

"Good," I answered. "I finally go into that medical elective-"


Annie - Mikasa what do I do????? My dad wants to talk.

I silently excused myself from the table. 

Mikasa - Go talk with him, it's a good way to tell him.

Annie - he's going to be pissed off. 

Mikasa - who cares? you have me.

Annie - i guess.

I walked back to the table. "Who was that?"  Eren asked me.

I shrugged my shoulder. "I don't know."

. . . 

This chapter is short, I know, sorry. 

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