Chapter 6

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Mikasa's POV

"Annie?" I asked. I was in Annie's dorm, sitting on the couch while I stared at the paper in front of me. I have to write a whole essay about politics or something like that and I don't know where to start. "I don't know what I'm doing. Can you help me?"

Annie was located on the opposite end of the couch reading the same book she was reading yesterday 'Skater Girl'. She looked up from her book obviously annoyed. "Can't you ask someone else?"

"No," I replied.

"What do you need to write about?" She sighed placing her book down on the table gently. She came closer to me and I started getting nervous for some reason. "You haven't even put your name on your paper yet."

I grinned embarrassingly. "Oh, yeah, that."

"Or the date." She sighed. I chuckled slightly. "What kind of grades do you have?"

"D's and like two C's," I answered, cringing at my own grades.

"Oh god. My baby's second mother is a dumbass."

. . .

So Annie explained how I should write an essay. And gave me tips.

Who am I kidding?

She did half of the work after she got annoyed at all my questions. Now she was reading her book while I was on my phone going through the group chat.

Eren - honestly Mikasa, you are never at Sasha dorm when I go to see you.

HorseFace - we never talk about your one night stand anymore too.

HorseFace - life is boring.

Sasha - I want fooood.

Connie - I'm getting you some rn

Sasha - good, thanks

Eren - Where are you, Mikasa????

Mikasa - library. Studying.

Eren - sure you are. You study? never in a million years.

"Can you lower the volume please?" Annie asked. "It's very annoying."

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Who are you texting anyway?"

"Some of my friends," I answered. "They're really annoying."

"I know," Annie answered, smiling slightly turning the page of her book. "Everyday I hear them scream."

"Want to do something?" I asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Like what?" She asked looking up from her book.

"I don't know. I just don't like sitting inside all day."

"Wanna go to a fight club?"

"Fight club?" I asked, confused. "You go to a fight club?"

Annie sighed. "I used too."

"Why?" I asked. "What made you stop?"

Annie stared at me. "I'm definitely not carrying a baby." She replied sarcastically.

"Oh yeah! I forgot! Sorry."

. . .

"I have the essay!" I yelled as I walked into Ms. Tree's classroom, History. Eren was already there seated, gave me a raised eyebrow and a questioning look. Ms. Tree looked like she didn't believe me. "Right here!" I said shaking the paper that was in my hand. 

Ms. Tree looked over the paper before looking at me. "You had someone to help you right?"

I bit my lip. "Yeah."

"Annie helped you, right?" She asked.

"How do you know? She's not even in this class."

"I had her last year, before, realizing she was way too advanced for this class," Petra said. "And I know for a fact that you don't even know what half of these words mean."

"I know some of them." I smiled. "Annie explained it to me."

Petra laughed. "Okay but you know you're not getting full credit, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I know."

I smiled to myself as I thought of Annie. I walked over to my seat, which was next to Eren. He looked at me, "You copied off of someone?" I shook my head no.

"I wrote it," I answered. "But I had help."

"You paid someone to do it, right?" He asked again not listening to what I said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I did, it was for free."

"You forced someone?"

I raised my hand. "Ms. Tree, can I move? Eren is pestering me."

. . . 

I laid on Annie's couch, my backpack on the floor. "This isn't your dorm, you know that?" Annie asked slightly annoyed. 

"I know," I answered. "But I'm tired."

"You're always tired." She said. She went into her room, I got up and followed her. 

"Don't leave me alone," I said. 

"What are you doing after college?" She asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know."

"What major are you studying?"

"I'm going into Pre-Med. I want to be a doctor or a surgeon." I answered. 

"Your grades say otherwise." Annie laughed. 

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "What about you?"

"Computer Science." She answered. "I was thinking of going into Game Development but I really want to go into Software Development." She looked at me. "You have to bring your grades up if you want to get that job."

"I know." I sighed, crawling into her bed. "Everything is just... so hard."

"You're not trying and you're not paying attention to your teacher's. Do you even study for any tests?" She asked

"Not really."

Annie rolled her eyes. "Mikasa you're a smart person but you don't use your brain."

I frowned. "I just want to sleep."

"In my bed?" Annie asked.

"Your bed is better than the couch. So let me sleep."

Annie frowned. "Where am I suppose to sleep?"

"With me." I murmured. Annie rolled her eyes. I felt the bed shift and I knew Annie was laying next to me. 

. . .

I updated!

Someone give me a cookie!

A cookie!


Sorry for the late update, it's been what a year? XD

Schools been very very hard on me and embarrassing. 

It's not every day your teacher takes your phone, to only get about a dozen notification for Wattpad and have the whole class listen to all the dings, and to top it off, have that teacher read the notification's out loud.

I swear, I thought I would die that day. 

Sorry for any mistakes!

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