I can't do it............

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I went home from the library, took a quick shower and then opened my laptop to check my tweets. I was active on twitter. I loved to know what my friends round the world were thinking. It was fun in one way but then............I just had 1000 followers and all were the people whom I didnot know. I liked interacting with strangers because since they dont know me so they do not judge me. After chatting with a girl from the Netherlands, I shut down my laptop and yawned. I checked the time and it was 6:00p.m. I thought that I should sleep for anothr hour as I was damn tired. So I set an alarm n fell aseep. But what I did not realise was that I had set my alarm at 6:45a.m. instead of 6:45p.m. so naturally it did not ring at the time when I had wanted it to ring. And I was so sleepy that I did not wake up until my mum shook me up. I got up and angrily asked her, " Why Did you Wake me up???" She just smirked and said," Oh do wake up. A very handsome lad is waiting for you downstairs. He claims that you are supposed to be tutoring him. You didn't tell me." " Oh shit!..................Sorry for cursing out loud mum, I was supposed to be tutoring him but my alarm did not ring and so unfortunately I did not wake up. Send him up mum. And stop smirking at me." She said, " Oh yeah sure sure I'm sending him up but no funny business." " Ohhhhh Gawd mum. Why're you so gross??? He's just a friend." " Oh! sure sure just a friend." Then she went out of the room smirking to herself. She was just unbelievable. How could she even think that I could do such a thing. I then brushed my hair and then sat on my bed. I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to find Liam standing there with a small smile. I smiled at him and then let him enter my room. I was not the cleanest person. My bed was all ruffled and my clothes were piled up untidily beside my bed. On my bed there was my laptop and on my study table my books were kept in a jumbled maner. Near my LCD T.V. there was an arrangement of the PS2 laid down very untidily. I love playing video games. He looked at my room in awe and said," Don't you think you are too untidy??????? I mean......for a girl" I just laughed at him and then I went to my bed and cleaned it up a bit and then asked him to sit down. I took out my english books and then sat beside him on the bed. We then discussed the various criticisms about famous authors which was a part of our upcoming English test. I told Liam the various jists of the plays by some authors. He was fast in picking up the things I told him or explained to him. After about an hour and a half, we were tired from studying english so I asked him whether he had got any books to study. He said that he had got maths since we were in the same class. See thats what I meant when I said that when I was in a class I was oblivious to everything else other than my book and the teacher. I told him, " I'm tired. Do you mind if we take a break and just talk, I could even ask my mum to get some things to eat for the both of us. Just as if in cue, my mum walked into the room and asked, " You two must be hungry ...Do you want to eat something?" I quickly said," Mum please can you get cookies and something to drink for the both of us."  My mum left the room so Liam and I were left in the company of each other. I faced him and our grazes met. It was a magical effect. We kinda melted into each other's eyes and things got awkward between us. So to break the awkward silence I spoke up, " Liam how come you suddenly changed all your classes at once?????"  I mentally face palmed. Wow the nerdy me didn't get a better time to comeout (note the sarcasm). But Liam didn't seem to be annoyed by my curiosity. He answered, " I just fell lonely in all those classes without Louis, Niall, Harry, or Zayn since we did not have even one subject common. And I was getting a bit too sick of Danielle trying to lure me into liking her, so I changed my classes." ( I don't hate Danielle. I completely shipped Payzer but this is a fan-fic. Dont mind please.) I then asked him, " Why is it so that you don't enjoy the company of other girls ???" He lowered his voice and said, "I don't pay heed to other girls because I've got my eyes on this one girl since eighth standard. She's funny, smart, cute, carefree and is most importantly just the opposite of what a girl who I don't like should be." I fake-smiled and said, " Awww that's so cute. Sooooo who's the lucky girl?? Won't you tell me??  " At this point his face broke into a grin and he said, " I need help and You are the only girl who can help me do this task. " I said, "Me???? Are you serious that you want a boring nerd like me to help you out??? And even if I do, I don't even know who's that girl." He looked straight in my eyes with an intimate expression, and said in a hushed tone, " What if I say that the girl is right in front of me." I was left dumbfounded. He looked into my eyes and said, " Bo, I like you a lot. Damn I can't even stop thinking bout you. " He then started to lean in....and you too did the same, but as soon as your lips were going to touch, you pulled away. You said, " Stop it Liam. You and I both know that the girl isn't me. It can't be me. I am too nerdy for your rebel sort of taste. Excuse me Liam, but I don't want you to regret this. Please let us just be friends." I said all of these with a heavy heart because I did want to be more than friends with him. But I was scared. What if he leaves me for some other girl.I couldn't risk it. I hate my heart to be broken. And now without my father to support me, I definitely did have to stop thinking bout him. UGHHHHH I am stupid. HE then said, '" I was just joking. BO please don't get upset cuz of me. " We both laughed it away after my mum got the cookies and juice. Then we went back to our maths homework. Thing weren't at all awkward between us. But there was this heavy feeling in my heart.  At last Liam left. I sat on my bed thinking bout various things before I drifted off to sleep.......


Autnor's note

Guys I'll try to update once in every week, I may update even twice. Just wait for it every Friday, Thursday or Saturday. Every update will have atleast 3 pages. Excuse the style of my writing. But that's the way it is and it shall be getting more polished in the later parts of this story. Just stay tuned on. And keep voting and commenting. The more reads and comments I get......more frequently will I update and the pages shall be more and also the plot more interesting. Please Support and Encourage me by commenting and voting. U may also criticise the story. I take every criticism positively.

Love Mili <3

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