Dark Chocolates

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 I woke up next morning a few minutes before my alarm rang. I had dreamt all night bout Liam and his perfect features. Naturally I had woken up with a smile on my face. I had regretted not kissing Liam the night before. But then I thought about it several times and came to the conclusion that I was not a whore and so for me it is better to not kiss your crush and be sad than to make out with a guy for a day or do one-night stand  and then be able to forget him. I was a one-man girl and so I am still waiting for that perfect guy in my life. I got out of bed and then got ready. I went downstairs and saw a note clipped to our refrigerator by a hippo magnet clip. I recognized the handwriting at once. It was my mum's.

It said:

Dear Munchkin,

Your dad has been suddenly called on a business trip and I have to go with him. I am so sorry to not wake you up but considering that you were sleeping so peacefully, I did not want to disturb you as we left at 4:30a.m. in the morning. By the way, just if you are angry on us, open the fridge and look in the third rack, it will help you forget the anger that we left you without informing until you woke up. We'll call you tonight. It is not certain that when shall we come back. It may take 2 or 3 weeks.(It's very urgent and we had to go dear) Don't worry bout us, we'll be fine. No partying and no clubbing. Good bye. We'll call tonight.

Yours Mamma Bear.

P.S. Don't bring any guy home except for...You know ;-).That Liam guy is cute. I don't mind if you date him. He's got lovely manners.

I blushed at the last part of the letter. Mommy really thinks that it is okay for me to date Liam. But my happiness vanished in  a moment when I remembered that I had refused to kiss Liam last night. Now he'll never want me. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

I opened the fridge and found a box of dark chocolates in the third rack. Dark Chocolates....ooooo my favourite.I took two bars and left for school. I locked the door very nicely . Luckily I got the bus that day and so I reached school on time.

My first class was again English. If I say that I was excited to see Liam then that would be an understatement. I was super excited to see him. I was very curious to know whether he would still talk nicely to me. Even if I didn't want him as a temporary boyfriend then at least I would want him to be my good friend or maybe even best friend.

I entered the class to see him sitting on the front bench. There were many empty seats in the class but I preferred to sit besided him. So I went and sat beside him. I looked at him and smiled. Unfortunately, he did not return it. I knew that he was ignoring me but I still did not give up my hope. I tried to bring out a conversation n so I said the first thing that came to my mind, " Did you revise the jist of Merchant of Venice that I explained yesterday???" I mentally face-palmed myself, Oh my nerdy self. He did not reply. Obviously Bo, he won't reply. He's pissed off on you. I said, " Want some Dark Chocolate??? The teacher's yet to come. Don't deny..please..I know everybody loves it." After a minute he chuckled and said, " You do try your best to cheer everyone right???" I was caught off-guard. I did not expect him to ask such a thing. I said," I can't have people whom I like ignoring me. I anybody wants to kill me then they can start ignoring me. But I try to get them to talk to me and let out their anger. It's the person's choice after all." Then we both started laughing like stupid people until the teacher came . I saw Liam take a small bite on his chocolate and keep the rest in his pocket. 

Ms Jeffers started her class by saying, " Students as I told you yesterday that the test was to analize how well you all can understand Shakespeare and so a very few students have got an A+. The students who got an A+ will get the main characters ; those with A will get the less few characters. Those with B+ will get to stay backstage and so on. So now I'm going to give out your papers and please try to not make the same mistakes in your Exams. And one more thing, tghe characters list will be put up on the students board by !2o'clock don't forget to checxk it. And the main characters please meet me at the end of the day." Ms.Jeffers had to check all the papers real quick as she had to allot the roles for the play. So we all got our papers. I was not at all surprised to see an A+ on my paper. I would have been surprised if it was less than that.

I looked at Liam and saw that his face looked sad. I asked him, " Mind telling me what you got??" He looked at me (with a look that screamed "I'm sorry") and and said, " A" I smiled at him and said," It is really nice marks. An A doesn't make your chances of being a main character down. You can still act in the play. And don't forget that you had prepared for this test in a day. So keep up your spirits. And eat dark chocolate." He smiled at me. 

His smile was gorgeous. I am falling hard for him. I should learn to control myself.

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