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Bo's P.O.V.

I woke up to my phone playing "Tick Tock" by Kesha and I quickly got out of bed. I can't afford to be late today since we have a test on Shakespeare's play " A Midsummer night's Dream". It was a very confusing story and it took me a complete one week to understand the full play but nonetheless the story is very interesting. I loved our English and Maths classes since those two are my favourite subjects. By the by.......why am I thinking so much???/ I should be getting ready for school. I took a shower and got dressed in a hudson gray skinny jeans and light coloured topand I left my hair open.(-(---->Pic on side). I went downstairs and saw in the grandpa clock that I could only reach on time if my mum rode me to school. I saw mum was making breakfast. I called out to her, " Hey mumz can u get ready REAL QUICK?????? N drive me to school. I'll be getting late if I go by bus today." My mum said ,  " I'm so sorry sweety but I send my car to the servicing centre just yesterday. I can't drive u to school today." " It's okay mum. I'll see what can be done." I quickly took a bite at a toast and then a sip on the juice. Then I rushed out of the door to the bus-stop. As I was waiting for the bus.......a black Range Rover stopped right in front of me. As the window on the driver's side opened, I saw that it was Liam. He told me , " Hey Bo....late for school again??? Hop in I'll give you a ride." I was just staring at him and his perfect brown eyes....when I realised that Liam...The FREAKIN LIAM PAYNE hasjust offered to drive me to school, I didnot delay and quickly went and sat in his car. He's the sort of guy who likes to be by himself all the times. He only speaks to 5 people in the whole school, Harry, the flirt ; Louis, the joker and prankster; Zayn, the bad boy; Niall, the girly angel ; and Me, the class nerd. I am not one of his best friends but he speaks to me because......because,,,,,because,,,,I really don't know why. I was woken out of my trances when Liam said, "Thinking bout something???" Without even using my common sense normally replied, "You". When I heard Liam chuckling, I realised what had I exactly  said, I quickly defended myself by saying, " No I mean that I've always wondered why I'm the only girl in High-School with whom you speak. That's kinda creepy don't you think so???" He said," No. I don't think so, I think that I only speak to the people who are worth speaking to". On hearing this I slightly blushed because Liam thought that I were worth speaking to, but thankfully he didn't see it because he could not know that I had the greatest crush on him since 8th grade. All the girls in high-school kissed the ground he walked on , just because of his bad-boy aura. But I like him because I was the only person who knew the real Liam. His dark chocolate eyes resembled rebellion for everybody, but for me..these eyes had honesty, care, innocence and love in them. I got zoned out again and were awaken when Liam called me for the second time saying, " Why do get zoned out so much???? Don't wanna be late for the English test do you?? Then will you please do me the honour of getting out of my car because until and unless you do so, I can't close it and proceed." I blushed for the second time and said," Oh! I'm really sorry Liam. I get zoned out most of the time because their's so much to think about. Meet you in the lunch time. Goodbye." He replied," Goodbye Bo." I actually used to spend my lunch times alone in the library reading books but recently I thought that for a change I might sit with the boys and Liam since they invited me many times to sit with them for lunch but I always turned them down saying that I had work. I actually enjoyed privacy in the library, it was my own little world of books and I loved it.What?? You think I'm a nerd??? Well! Yeah I am and I'm proud to be a nerd. So don't you dare judge me. Thinking all thed\se things I went to my locker, took out my books and then proceeded towards the classroom. When I entered the classroom I saw that Ms.Jeffers had not come yet and unfortunately for me, the only seat available was beside Maze Gomes, the class jock and my biggest bully. He and sister Mexi always bullied me for being a nerd. But I couldn't do anything because he dated my only close friend Janette. Janette was beautiful, feather-brained, and sweet and so she's always able to see the good in everybody. She can never see how Maze cheats on her with Jessica, or Sussane or Skylar or....the list goes on and on and on..............she trusts him always because she's madly in love with him but he just uses her. Sadly, she lost her V-card to him just a few days ago and he used her only for his pleasure. He's a dick-head and I'm sure that if I let him copy my test then he'll surely not bully me during the class. Nowadays the girls have stopped bullying me because Liam speaks to me. It's one type of an advantage for me. And bout guys....Wellllllll guys never bullied me much because I was kinda tomboyish. I mean I loved video games and I could chat with a guy bout cars and racing and football and stuffs for hours and hours without getting exhausted. I loved football. Fav team: Manchester United. The only guy who bullied me was Maze. I hate him. All he wants is to get inside a girls" pants. He's a man-whore. I seriously pray to Jesus that he takes him soon or else I shall bye him tickets to hell one day. So I go and sit beside him. HE smirks at me. I just turn my disgusted face away from him. Just then Ms.Jeffers entered the class. She said," Class today as said before tpday you'll will have a test on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. And I want to announce something really interesting...-" Just then Liam entered the class and said," Ms.Jeffers according to my new routine, I have been in your class for English. May I please come in?" Ms.Jeffers quickly replied," Yes you may come in Liam but just in case you don't know, today we are going to have an English test and if you know the topic then you are allowed to give the test. Or you may sit in one corner and Ms.Smith here can help you catch-up with the rest of the class and I strongly suggest Ms.Smith to tutor you, Since learning Shakespeare is not easy.... and she's the only girl who doesn't have any difficulty in understanding Shakespeare. Ms.Smith please can you help him by tutoring him. You know for a credit in English???" I said, " Miss even if not for the credits I'd be more than happy to help anybody who needs it. But miss what about my test??" "I hope it won't hurt you and Mr.Payne to stay after school for half an hour and give your test. I would have excused you from the test but as I was telling the whole class....Don't take this test casually. I hope you all are aware that very soon our annual play is about to take place and this year our theme is Shakespearean plays and the Sophomores have to perform the play" A Midsummer Night's Dream" so it is essential for me to know that how much all of you know bout this play and then the students who get the highest marks will be auditioned and the best ones will get the main characters and for everybody it is an absolute compulsion to participate in the play in whichever roles you wish but everybody has to do something. So as I was saying everybody take out your test sheets from your desk and start answering the questions that I write on the board and do not be jealous because Ms.Smith will get different questions so theres no point in her not seeing the questions I give you all. And Ms.Smith and Mr.Payne you may go to that end of the class and carry on with your tutoring."

I went with Liam to one end of the class and started explaining to him the jist of the play. It seems that he knew a lot bout it and I know that I shouldn't be jealous but I simply hate the fact that he was understanding the play faster than I had comprehended. He was actually learning it faster that me. I told him," Liam can I ask you for something??" He said," U may ask me for anything...and then he gave me that awful smirk of him" I replied," Oh! you crazy perv. I meant to ask that if you free in the fourth and fifth period then can you come with me to the library?? I want the play ti be engraved in your brain by the end of school so that you would be able to give your test properly. " He smiled warmly and and said, " Sure I'll do it. If you want then we can even do it in the lunch break." " Fine then we'll do it." Just then the bell rang indicating the end ofend of english period. Next was maths. Oooooooo my favourite class. We all went our of the class.

<<Skip the day.Come to end of school because nothing eventful happened all day>>

I went back to the English class and saw Liam sitting there. I went and sat on a chair three chairs next to his. Then Ms.Jeffers entered the class. We wished her. She thanked me for explaining to Liam the summary of the play and asked me to tutor him for the next 2 months as their was a lot to catch up for him to do in English. Then she gave us the questions. These ones were tougher than the ones she gave to the entire class. For me it was very easy solving the questions but I was worried for Liam. At the end of the test Ms.Jeffers told us to submitour tests and that she'll tell us the results tomorrow. We both went out of the class. And I did something which I would never had the guts to do otherwise. I told LIam, " Hey can u just gimme your phone???" Wothout questioning he gave his phone to me. I typed my no. in it and saved it with the name "Bo(your tutor)" then I called up my phone from his and returned his phone to him. I saved his no. in my phone and said, " Today. My house or yours??" HE said," Yours cuz my sisters are coming over today and so I don't want to be there as their free-time entertainment chap." I said, " But Liam remove your lip piercing before coming or my mom won't let you in." He calmly said," Suyre I'll do it if it matters that much. Anyway you are now helping me so I sahould listen to toy you." We then said goodbyes and I went to the library for my work. I had the most awesome job in a nearby librarary. My job was to keep the books free from dust and in that process I got a free membership and a cup of hot chocolate veryday. Who could decline a job like dat. Speciall when I am allowed to read books there as long as I do my duty properly. I enter the library and continue with my job. Soon I get a txt

Hey forgot to ask you. When to come at your house????


You guys must think me to be peculiar since I saved his name with such a title though he's not my boyfriend. Well let me tell you that I find the concept of teddy bears very cute and all the nos. in my contact are saved with a bear at the end. Even my mum's name is saved with the title Momma bear. I know I'm weirdo. But I love to be weird so don't judge me again. I replied

At 7 sharp. Don't be late. I've got my studies too. If you want we can do our homeworks together.

~Bo (your tutor)



I didn't know if I had any class common with him except English because when I'm in a class I focus only on the board, the teacher's explanations and my notes copies. I'm oblivious to everything else. Yeah I'm a nerd.

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