What's up with Louis???

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Bo's P.O.V.

We exited the Music Room with embarrassed faces and then heard the sound of the bell ringing. First period was Maths. I went inside the class and as usual I was among one of the very first people I'm the class. Oh..did I forget to tell??? Liam was there in the class with me. We walked to the class with our fingers intervened.  I was feeling like the Queen of the world.

I took a seat at the front and started going through the sums I did for homework. There weren't many. And before I knew it...our teacher entered the class. Liam was sitting beside me but he knows that I'm a nerd so he doesn't have the guts to talk to me in class. Maths was a total bore. The teacher made us do the sums which we did for homework again cuz according to her...those were tough. I mean..cummon man...those were damn easy. Even a twelfth standard could solve those..and we're sophomores.

After that we had English. Ms.Jeffers gave us a free class for practicing. Liam and I rehearsed our parts in the cafeteria. It was damn fun.

Our parts were awesome. We even rehearsed the kiss. ;-)

Next period..I had free but Liam had games.

Oh I forgot to tell u people he plays football. It's just for getting an extra subject.

However he does not belong to any team. So I was alone in the music room writing a poem...

The name was "You"..

Don't have much time to write it now. I'll post it later.

Anyway...then it was time for lunch. 

We all went to the cafeteria. I went and sat with the boys at their table. Louis the usual noisy one was very quite that day. I sat next to him and asked him if anything was bothering him. He kept a straight face and said, " No nothing" That was the time when I knew that something was definitely bothering him.

I forced him to come out of the cafeteria with me.

I took him to one corner of the college where not many people were there and told him just one word..."Spill"

I couldn't believe what I saw. Louis burst in tears and said," Eleanor....."

and kept on crying...hugging me.

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