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I woke up the next day to my phone bursting with "Everybody" by Backstreet Boys. Oh how I love the song.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower nd wore a cute purple top nd trousers. Nd not to forget my black converse. I took my bag nd went downstairs.....I was ravenous....I cooked myself some soup and had it with two pieces of toast.

I locked the door nicely and went outside the main gate to find that Liam's car was waiting for me. I went inside the car and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Then I said," Liam.. u didn't have to do it. I can always go by the bus. Y did u take up the trouble to wait for me???" He smiled and said ," It's no problem at all. I love taking u in my car. When u have me...Y do you need to go in the bus???" I smiled at him. He started the car. The ride was silent....not the bad type of was the good type of silence. We were just happy to be with each other.It was this amazing feeling that I loved.

We reached school. I went to my locker and took out my books for Maths class. I went inside the class and found that Liam was sitting at the back of the class. He smiled at me, as I smiled at him. I hate sitting at the back but I wanted to sit with him. As I went towards the back, Mexi suddenly went and sat beside him. I went and said," Excuse me Mexi ...but I was going to sit here...." She made a rude face and said," Oh it's Miss Nerdy....Anyway ...u dnt have your name written here. I can sit anywhere I want. So fuck off.And just to let u know I always sit beside Liam. So just GO." Liam was going to stand up for me when I told him to be quite and said," Listen you bitch....I am not going to stand your nonsense anymore. How dare you swear..inside the classroom....nd maybe I'm a nerd but I have got better manners than u. U r just a whore and a slut and obviously a bitch.And let U know. I am dating Liam. So back off." I glared at her as she at me. But finally she had to get up and go somewhere else. I sat beside.Liam. I saw that the teacher had not yet come. Liam smiled at me and said," That was brave...what u did was really brave. I respect u for that."

Just if on cue.., a handsome guy walked into the classroom. I thought he was a new student though he looked a bit elder to us. He had tattoos and a lip piercing. He was the complete definition of a bad boy... He came and said," good morning class. I am Mr.Malik , your new maths teacher....And today's my first day in this college so I want u all to introduce yourselves one by one. Slowly everybody got up and introduced themselves. I got up and introduced myself after Liam.

After everybody introduced themselves...he said," many of you love maths???" My hand shot straight up. I saw one by one many hands go up...but definitely not all.  Liam did not put up his hand. I felt a bit sad that he doesn't love maths.

Mr.Malik said,"That's a good response...So just a checking of the intellect of the class...I am goin to set a few sums for u all to solve on the board. Anybody can answer." The whole class groaned. I didn't ...I love maths .

He gave us some sums on the board. They were really easy. My hand shot up for every sum.....To the.point that he had to tell me ," Not u Bo....give others a chance" . Actually I have answered so many times that he remembers my name.

Finally the bell rang after the double class of Maths. I had a free period now. I went out if the class with Liam. He had

a free period too nd he wanted to go nd chat with Louis because he also had a free period.

I went to the library n sat down reading hunger was actually fun. I kept on reading. Time passed very fast and so the bell rang..indicating recess.

I went to the canteen and bought a sandwich. I then sat in one corner of the canteen all alone.

A freshman came and said, "Bo..Right???? Mr.Malik has called you to the staffroom" Oh crap.....what did I do!??? On his first day, he got formed bad impression of me. I must be in deep shit .

Anyway I got up and went to the staffroom. I saw Mr.Malik standing outside the staffroom and constantly looking at his watch.

As he saw me , he smiled at me and I couldn't help but notice his gorgeous face..nd his lip piercing. On seeing him smile, I got eased out and shook off the fer that I was in deep trouble. Thank Gawwwwd.

I asked him,"Sir did u call for me??" He said," Yes I did call for you. I got some notice from the principal's office that there was going to be a maths exhibition in our college and it has to be organized by the Sophomores, I am also said that I have to choose a secretary for the new Maths club. And from your response in the class, I made out that you really enjoy the u are the secretary of the Maths club." I said," Sir I would love to be in the Maths club but as u see I am already in the Music club . Nd I really can't abandon music....Not even for is my passion. So I'm very sorry sir, But I cannot be the secretary of the maths club.." To this he said," Don't worry....I have already spoken to Mr.Horan your music teacher about that. He's a friend of mine and said that he would allow u one period off for maths club...on every club day.So u can attend both." I smiled and replied gratefully ," Sir it's really so kind of u to even consider me as the secretary of the maths club. It really means a lot . Good afternoon sir. and thank you again." With this I went to my locker as I knew the bell would ring soon. It so happened. Wow I can predict the future.....The rest of the day passed very nicely. I had a smile on my face throughout the day...... lets see what happens next......

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