Oh he's soooo cute!!!!

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I went home on my own that day since Liam said that he had some work. Being the cutie he is....he apologized several times for not being able to drop me home. I had to finally shut his mouth by kissing him on the lips tightly. I hate PDA.. but that was the only way to make him stop talking.

I came home and went upstairs to my room. I took my top off (only my top.....) and stood in front of the mirror. Damn man....I was fat. Who would love me if I continue to be so fat. I have to lessen my weight a bit. So I promised to myself then and there that I will diet....till I loose a lot of weight . I seriously want a good figure.

I went to the bathroom...took a long shower and then draped the towel around me and went into my room. I put on my lingerie and then a night suit. Tonight I would enjoy a lot and because tomorrow we had the day off from school. And obviously there was no homework. I went to the living room with a blanket and two pillows and my cuddly teddy .

I took out some good movies from my DVD rack and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I remembered that I was dieting so I got only a plate of fruit salad for myself. Wow such a good food.(note the sarcasm).

I put on Pride and Prejudice on the DVD player and lied down on the couch and put the blanket on top of me and cuddled to my teddy. The movie sounded really well in our Home Theatre. I saw the whole movie. Oh how I'm in love with it....

I had a movie marathon. I saw 'The Conjuring','Lizzie McGuire the Movie' and also'Disney Frozen'. Surprisingly I was not at all tired . When I finally finished watching all those movies, I opened my phone and saw that it was 2 in the morning. I had 4 texts and two missed calls. Oh Shit...my phone was in Vibration. This phone is a truly sick phone. I desperately need a new one. I'll speak to my mum bout it.

I first opened the texts and saw that 2 were from Liam. One from my mum and one from Janette. Oh so that bitch finally remembered me. She did not come to school even once in the last week n has been ignoring me.

I first saw mum's text .

From Momma Bear:

Hey sweetie...how r u???? I called you...U did not pick that up. So I figured out that u must be busy. Please call me anytime you are free . Got to ask you something ... Bye munchkins.

I did not reply to the text. Instead I called my mum. She picked up the call within three rings.

Phone Convo:

Mum: Hey sweetie.

Me: Hey mum. I was missing you. Sorry I could not receive your call. I was having a movie Marathon in the living room.

Mum: Oh I see. So u r enjoying a lot without me??  Huh.

Me: No mum it's not like that. Tomorrows a day off from school so I was just relaxing.Sorry.

Mum: I understand dear. I was just messing with u. So I called you to ask that what colour phone looks good??? Black? Yellow? Red? Or is it Purple?

Me: Mum u don't have to give me a new phone. It's alright.

Mum: Who said I'm giving u a new phone??? I was just asking because I am buying a new phone for myself and I love your choice of things . So my phone's colour would be your choice.

Me: The colour black looks best. It looks really awesome. All phones should be black .

Mum: That's all I wanted to know . Ok honey Goodbye and goodnight. See you in another two weeks. And I'm really sorry hun , I won't be able to be there for your birthday.Just tell me what you need and I'll send it to u.

Me: No I don't need anything mum. I just wanted you and dad for my birthday. But Yeah now that u ask me. I do need a new guitar. Mum it should be jet black. Pls.

Mum: Sure honey I'll send it.

Me: Thanks mum. And goodnight.

With that I put off the call and went to check my other texts. I saw the one from Janette .

From Jenny Bear:

M Missin u babes. I'm so upset. Please come to my house at your earliest convenience . Gotcha tell u something. Love u.

I felt a bit sad that I did not make any attempts of keeping contact with her the past whole week. I felt like a bad friend.

I proceeded to see the two texts from Liam.

From Li bear:

I just wanted to speak to u. Missing u lots. And whenever you feel like....just open your door and you'll see a surprise waiting for you.

Bo.....u r really special to me. But I think you are ignoring me today because I didn't drop you home. I'm really sorry. Please come out of your door. I'm waiting there for you.

I laughed at his cuteness. He still thinks that I'm angry on him because ....well u all know it. I'm too lazy to repeat myself.

I opened the door and found a red rose on the ground......Next to it I found a small chit. I opened it and saw:

Waited for you for three hours . Sorry if I've hurt you. I'm really sorry.

That chit got me a bit annoyed. He waited for three hours outside the door to my house but he could not ring the doorbell!! Is he stupid!!!?

I went inside my house and closed the door. I planned on seeing the second text he had sent me....

From Li Bear:

Babes please open the door. I guess your doorbell is not working. Please don't ignore me anymore. Just talk to me even if u wait to say u don't want to be.together anymore....please babes...I'm sorry. :'(

Now his second text made everything clear. He had rung the doorbell but it did not function properly. He must have knocked several times but since the home theatre was really loud, I may not have heard. I thought of calling him. So I called him.

Phone Convo

Bo: Hey Li..

Liam: Hey Bo....u still talking.to me???? I'm so so so sorry.

B: Don't say sorry Liam. Its all my fault.  I was having a movie.marathon and my home theatre is really loud....so I didn't hear u knocking on my door or my phone's vibration. I'm so sorry.

L: If that's the case then it's alright. Damn tired babes. Talk to you later. Goodnight ....and Sweet dreams.

B: Goodnight..sleep tight n dnt let the bed bugs bite. Bye cutie.... you're the best....

With that I hung the call and went to my bedroom to have a good night's sleep. And I knew what I wanted to do tomorrow.... would go and visit Janette. I really gotta catch up.

So I went to sleep with a dumb smile on my face thinking of Liam's cuteness. I'm falling hard for him....I should control myself a bit.....

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