Ch3 - What!?

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"Your, Sean!?" I exclaim.

The guy chuckles. "No...I actually am not Sean."

I'm so embarrassed. But for my defense he looks exactly like him. "Oh...I'm sorry...uh..."

"You can call me Anti." He smiles.

Now that caught me off guard. "Anti?"

He laughs. "Yes, I'm Anti, I'm going to LA with Sean and Mark...and Dark..."

" guys...Dark and you...aren't..."

"Real?" He finishes.


He smiles at me and chuckles. "Oh we are real alright."

He looks at me and his left eye swirls to the colour green.

"Woah...ah...." I'm stuttering on words I don't even have. What the fuck!?

"Chill. Its fine, I'm real. But I'm not the 'demon' that people make me out to be."

"And the eye?" I ask...not sure what to do..."humans can't do that..."

"Who said I'm human?"

I frown and slightly scoot back. What is this...a joke? I'm not liking it...

He hold up his hands. "Calm down, alright? Its not like I'm gonna kill ya. Do you read fan fic?"

"Uh yea..."

"Yea, you can't believe everything people say. Its their imagination."

I still have no idea what to do. The plane is now starting down the runway. I have to concentrate, so I don't, puke, or get another panic attack. For multiple reasons...

I close my eyes tight and grip the arm rests. Breathing deeply as we climb into the air.

"Um... Are you OK?"

I slowly open my eyes and look over at...Anti...? "Yea..."

"Trying to hold in the attack?"


"You were trying not to let the panic attack come on ya."

" did you know?"

"I have them too. Annoying bitches am I right?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yea...I hate em." I say.

"Looks like you can take care of them, that's good." He leans back in the seat and closes his eyes.

I have so many things going through my brain. Who is this? Is it actually Anti? Is this actually Sean just messing around? No I don't think he would do that...he would have said its a joke... But the eye!? He freekin changed his eye colour. I'm not scared of him... I'm...more like, maybe unsure, and freaked out.

He starts to snore and I watch him sleep. Whoever he is, he is cute. Its creepy how he looks exactly like Sean. I actually took my phone out for a comparison picture. Yeap. Pretty much the same person. The only differences are the gauges, darker green hair, and pretty much all black clothing. I could see Sean in all black too though.

I've been watching him for a while, I couldn't look away. I was confused. I wanted answers... But I already got the answers, some... Ones I don't believe.

I finally break away and watch the out the window for a while. About an hour later of trying to keep myself preoccupied. I finally look back at him, still sleeping.

His head rolls, his face is now facing me. Then he opens his eyes, catching me watching him, and smiles.

Somehow the smile made me relax, it was a nice, calming thing.

"So...what is your name?" He asks.

I'm still blushing out of embarrassment. "Uh...I'm (YN)"

"Nice. Well the announcement person us about to come on." He says, buckling up.

"How do-" I'm cut off by the landing announcement.

My open mouth makes him smile. "Are you staying in LA? Or going someplace else." He asks.

"I ah..haha I'm going to the meet Mark...and Sean."

"Oh! Really!? Cool. You staying the three days?"

"I'm out here for a week."

"Nice. Hope you love LA. Its an amazing place. Except the traffic..."

"I'm hoping I don't get lost." I giggle.

"You'll be fine. Uh...can I ask you a Question? Its kinda random..."


"Can I...have your number?" He grimaces.

That wasn't expected. But OK...? "Uh... Yea, sure?" I say.

He pulls out is phone and enters my number, as I say it.

The airplane touchdowns, and taxies toward the gate. Both of us are in slightly awkward silence as people file out of the plane.

I walk behind him through the tunnel and to the luggage pickup.

" wanna meet Sean and Mark?" He suddenly says. Then points in front of us.

There, are the two people... who are the reason I'm here... "I...uh..." I stutter, suddenly very shy.

"Oh, come on." He wraps an arm around me and pulls me with him. "Hay guys!" He says.

"Hay! What's up Anti?" Sean laughs and gives him a hug.

"Good flight?" Mark asks, also giving him a hug.

I'm standing off to the side, unsure what to do. Completely freaking out. real!? Now I believe it. My stomach flips when Mark looks my way.

Anti looks over to me."Hay, (YN) get over here!" He chuckles.

I step forward a bit. This is crazy...

"This is (YN) I met em on the plane." Then whispers. "Huge fan."

Mark nods. "Ah...hay, we won't bite." He smiles and gives me a hug.

I break. And flip out. "What the hell!? This isn't happening..." I'm trying to calm down. But failing miserably.

"Woah, chill out there, your gonna make yourself a panic attack if ya don't!" Anti says, laughing

"You get attacks too?" Sean asks.

"Yea... I do. I'm trying to calm down! I'm sorry!"

"She was going to the convention to see you two." Anti says.

"Really? Cool! You will have fun!" Sean says.

"If your still going..." Anti teases.

"Oh yea I'm still going." I laugh. I suddenly get really tired. But I don't wanna go!

Apparently my tiredness shows, otherwise Mark is good at reading people. "Hay, you good? You look exhausted."

"Yea...I haven't slept all night, along with a two am alarm..." I say.

"Ouch." Sean grimaces. "Fun...yea?"

" wanna ride? Your staying at a hotel? Oh, unless someone is going to be picking you up." Mark says.

" I was gonna get a taxi to the hotel."

"Oh, no, I can take you." Mark says.

"Your kidding...right?" I mumble.

"Nope. Unless you want me to be." He smiles.

"That would be awesome!" I exclaim.

"Then get your bags and tell me your hotel." He says.

I run to the luggage rack, making the guys laugh.

"Hay chill! I gotta get my own stuff to!" Anti says.

Anti and I find our things and head back to the others.

I sense someone behind us. I turn to see Mark...but...Mark is in front of me...?

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now