Ch5 - When The World Falls Apart

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I wake up with the sun streaming through my window. I feel a lot better, after my after five hour nap. Though, now I probably won't get to sleep at a good time tonight... Though when have I? I just about never fall asleep till after midnight. No matter how early I go to bed, or how exhausted I am. This nap was an unexpected miracle.

I get up and fish through my suitcase for clothes, then head for the shower. I hadn't really noticed the room till now. There is, obviously the bed, a TV, a small couch, and even a small kitchen. Though I probably won't use it, there are too many restaurants I wanna try.

After my shower I head out to the balcony. And the view takes my breath away. At least, what I can see, with the sun trying to blind me. LA stretches all around, the tall building's windows are golden from the sun's reflection. I can even see the ocean from here. I look down and watch the traffic drive by.

"Hay." A voice says.

I look up. "Ha! Hiya!" I reply to Anti, who is on his balcony, one floor up, and one room to the left.

He leans over the railing and looks down at me. "So, your here for a week?"


"What are you doing? I know your going to the convention, but what about the other four days?"

"I wanna explore LA. And go to the ocean." I say stretching my arm out toward the city.

My phone starts ringing. I fish it out of my pocket and look to see: Burlington Police.

"The fuck? Why is the police calling me..." I say. And push talk.

"Ooh you get in trouble?" Anti laughs.

I shrug. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this (YN) (LN)?"


"OK, I'm really sorry to have to bring you this news."

"What? What are you talking about..." My stomach nots.

"We had gotten the call to a car accident at about twelve this morning."

"" I whisper. That was about the time I got off the phone with my parents.

"It was a three car pileup, and...three casualties."

I'm frozen as the cop continues explaining what happened, and some legal shit, but I really wasn't listening. Soon he hangs up, leaving me stunned.

Why!? I sit down, looking down at the cars.

"(YN)? What happened?" Anti asks.

"My...m...I got the parents... Are gone..." I choke out. I grip the railing, making my knuckles white. "Car accident."

"Oh fucking hell..." Anti whispers, barely audible. "I'm so sorry."

I nod, and push my forehead up to the rails, giving myself a headache. The only thing I hear is the traffic down below. Sirens, honking, tire squeals. My mind tries to reenact what the accident may have looked like. I try not to think about it, but my imagination gets the bast of me. I curl up into a ball and try to shut it all out.

A minute later, I feel arms wrap around me, sitting me up.

"What the!?" I yelp and spin around to find Anti there. "How did you get in here!? I thought the door was locked." I sniff.

"Its not that hard to pick." Anti says.

"That's reassuring..." I mumble as he pulls me into a hug.

"At least it isn't for me." He says, rubbing my back. "Can you tell me what happened? If not its fine."

"My hometown police called me..." I make a shaky sigh, trying not to start crying again. "They are gone!" I sob. "Why..."

"I... Don't know why... Life can be cruel am I right?"

I nod, soaking his shirt with tears. I'm mad at myself for doing this. I don't even really know him and here I am crying on him.

"So...your going back?" He asks.

I hadn't even thought about what I'm gonna do. "I...yea...I should...I don't want to..."

"I understand." Anti whispers.

He holds me as I cry myself to sleep.

When I wake up its dark out. Anti had fallen asleep also, leaning against the railing. I slowly sit up, trying not to wake him up. My phone was on the floor next to me, flashing with thirteen missed calls.

I pick it up to see who were calling me. They are all of my oldest cousin, Ashlyn. I call her back, sighing, cause I know why she called. To say sorry, and to probably try to help with the legalists of the matter. Of which I mean, take over. She did it when my grandparents passed.

"(YN)! Are you OK? Where are you!?"

"I'm in LA..."

"What!? why? Oh never mind that, I'm really sorry about what happened. It was a complete shock to me. How are you... Taking it?"

"Um...I guess the normal grief? I don't know...I'm coming home tonight, if I can get a seat on an plane that is."

"Oh, no, do you really want to do that? I'm not sure what you are doing in LA, but I can help out here you know."

"Yea, I know, but I need to be there. Too." I tell her.

"Alright then, I'll be seeing you later? I'll pick you up, just call or text when you get here."

"OK...will do." I say. Then we hang up.

I sigh and lean back against the wall of the hotel. The sky is covered in clouds, the lights of the city making them a yellow hue.

"So your leaving tonight?"

"Ah!...thanks for scaring me." I gasp.

Anti smiles and stands up.

"Yea, I'm gonna try to catch the next flight back." I sigh. "This trip is a disaster. Was starting to be the best week of my life..."

Anti hugs me. "You'll be OK, it'll all smooth out."

"Thanks..." I pull away from the hug and go inside.

My bag's contents haven't even been completely destroyed yet. They are still sitting where I placed them this morning, zipped. I sigh and open the airline app on my phone and book the next flight. Anti is still here, watching me.

Suddenly his presence is slightly awkward. I don't know what to say.

"Um...well...I'm. Not sure when... I uh... Will be out here again..." I mumble. "The flight is at ten thirty."

"Have you eaten?" Anti asks.

"No..ha...I haven't eaten since this morning." I say. "I'll get something on the plane."

"Nope. Well you can if you want, but I'm gonna take you someplace here first." He smiles. "Is that OK? My treat?"

"Yea, I've got like three hours." I say smiling. "Though... I'm not sure my stomach will hold it in." I say.

"Great!" Anti grimaces. "Not your going..." He chuckles.

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now