Ch8 - LA?

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"Are you OK now?" Anti asks a few seconds later.

"Whew...yea, I'm OK...sorta."

"How bad have you had em?"

"Eh...the only bad, ha, worse experience I've had is like two or three, right after each other." I tell him. "It happened during my final exams, and also having to prepare to get in front of a bunch of people and talk...I can't even remember what it was about."

"Ugh...I hated going up front... Though I didn't go to school that much."

"Drop out or something?" I ask.

"I guess? I really didn't care for it. Plus being the kid who didn't interact with anyone it was kinda a jail...and I've had my fill."

"Had your fill? I see there is a lot to ya." I laugh.

"I suppose so. But I didn't call ya to spill my life on ya, I wanted to know how, you, are doing." He says.

I sigh. "Well, the house is pretty much gone through."

"Really? That was quick."

"I wanted to get it over with."

"I understand. And so you've, I guess, started over? Or at least trying to?" Anti asks.

"Well, sorta...I'm complementing on if I'm gonna stay here or not. They left it all to me, but without a job to upkeep it all I'll lose it. I'd rather sell it then have it taken away."

"So your thinking of selling it all? You got people nearby?"


"Yea, family and or friends?" He says.

", I don't have any friends here, acquaintances. I've got a cousin, but I don't think I'm gonna stay around here."

"No? So you wanna start completely fresh."

"I suppose. I think it would be better, instead of trying to keep it all. They are gone. The house, yea it's got its memories, but that's what they are. I think the longer I stay the more I'll try to recreate them."

"You staying in the state?"

"'m actually thinking of...LA." I say.

"LA? Really? That's cool! Yea you'll find plenty of opportunities here."

"I'd guess so. Though I'm not sure what I wanna do." I laugh.

"How are you with computer stuff? Like editing, and filming?" Anti asks.

"Uh...well I've got a little experience I guess, I've made some stop motion animations, bad ones...and I've put together a music video for a friend. Why?"

"Well...there is someone who might need an editor. All that needs done is editing videos of this person playing games...for YouTube..."

"Oh? And who is it?" I ask, very interested.


"You? You have a channel?" I ask, stunned. "I thought that you didn't want your presence leaked to the internet?"

"Well...I'm actually jacksepticeye online..."

"Woah, Woah there...please explain!?" I laugh.

"Alright." Anti laughs. "Sean and I teamed up to work on his channel. We both make the videos."

"What about the background? You two have the same room?"

"Yeap, well that wall anyway. He rest of my room is different, its an actual recording studio where the camera doesn't see."

"That's...interesting? And does Dark and Mark do the same?" I ask.

"No, Mark likes to do it him self. I don't even know what Dark does." Anti laughs.

"OK ...and so...your looking for someone to help ya?"

"Yeas..." I can hear him smile. "You interested?"

"Yes." I laugh.

"Then start looking for a place here!" He chuckles.

Just then my door bell rang. "Oop, someone is here, I'll call ya back later?" I ask.

"Yea sure! Bye!"


I hang up and go to the front door and open it to see Ashlyn.

"Hay girl?! I've got some news for ya" she says.

"I do to, but what's yours first?" I say, letting her in.

"Remember when you told me about you needing a job? Well might have found something. You like pets right? And you like to work outside, not always indoors right?"

"Yea...?" I slowly say.

"The local animal breeder is looking for a full time person. You know, the one just outside of town? They have the German Shepherds, whatever those other small ones are, along with the horses."

"Boston terriers...and I'm not gonna be able to take the job."

"Oh? Why not?"

"I'm not staying here."

"What!? Your leaving? Where to?" She asks.

"LA. I've found a job there." I smile.

"What is it? And what about the house and stuff?"

"Its an editing job. Videos editor. And I'm gonna sell it all." I say sadly. "Don't really want to, but I think its best. Start over."

Ashlyn is still stunned by what I said. "Well, I'm still here. I can help you. Your stuff I can send in the mail. And the house will go quick, its in good condition. And beautiful." She says looking around.

I nod. I'll be sad to leave. But hopefully life will get better.

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now