Ch12 - The Pub Life

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Carl straitens up. "Why are you here? You didn't want to?" He asks seemingly confused.

"What the hell no! They literally drug me here." I yell.

"Fuck...well? I guess I'm stuck with ya. Can't have ya be turning me in again." He said slowly.

"What, you worse nowadays?" I ask.

"If you wanna see it that way." He smiles. "OK. I guess I should tell ya why you are here now. Since they didn't..." He sits down in the chair. "There... Is a bit of a...competition..."

"Competition..." I state.

"Yea. Between us fun houses. The deal was to attract the most people with the help of randomly picked featured of..."

"Woman...that's sick." I growl.

"I sent them hoodlums to find a girl who matched the description description. And...ask... If she wanted to come."

"Well they sure didn't 'ask'."

"I see that. But...what's done is done I guess." He stands up. "Come on." He grabs my arm and takes me into the actual pub.

The air is thick with smoke, making it hard to breath. There are about eight tables randomly placed around the room, with men and woman talking and drinking. Mostly men though.

Some one wolf whistles, but I ignore it, as I'm dragged behind the bar.

"Stace?" Newbie." Carl says.

A young lady pops out from a back room. Her shirt is tight, and low, showing off what she's got, much to the delight of the men sitting at the bar.

"Alright, be there in a second." She says.

"Go back there." Carl says, pushing me.

I unwillingly stand there waiting. This...hopefully... isn't as bad as I thought. Unless it gets worse.

The girl comes out and bushes a glass to one of the people waiting, then turns to me.

"Hiya, I'm Stacey. But everyone calls me Stace." She gives a smile. "What is yours?"

"(YN)". I mumble.

"I have a sense you don't wanna be here..." She whispers.

"Well if you call being drug here at knife point willingness..."

Her eyes widen. "What!? Stay here." She growls and storms back to where Carl went.

"Hay...your name is (YN) right?" A guy asks.

I turn to him. "Yea..."

"Nice name. Um...first day?" He asks.

"No. Well...yea..." I mumble.

"What does that mean?" He smiles.

He seems nice, not drunk...yet? "I'm not really here on my own terms...but yea, I'm here to I guess work." I say.

"You'll do good. You know anything about mixes?" He asks.

"" I mumble.

"Lots to learn." He states.

Stace suddenly storms out of the room, slamming the door.

"Well. What's happening is not right." She growls. "But now that he is so scared of being locked away...for a lot longer then you got him in for...your gonna have to stay..."

I frown and look down at the floor.

"You'll be OK." She tells me. "You look tired."

"Ha..." I scoff. Now that I focus on that fact, I'm about to pass out.

"Woah, there, come here..." Stacey says, holding me up, and leading me to the back room. There a couch is, where she has me sit.

I look around. "Do... You live here?" I ask.

"Yea." She nods. "Been here for about a year...oh...well, your out already."

Stacey pulls a blanket over (YN). "This competition is getting worse...or the guys are getting stupider...nope, its both."

(Anti's p.o.v)

I wake up with a headache.

"Yo. Wake up will ya?"

I squint in the sun, and rub my head. "What?" I mumble. Then quickly jump up, grabbing the person in front of me.

"Where is she!?" I yell.

"Ah! Anti! Chill get off!"

"Dark?" I ask. Then let go.

"My name has been turned into a question...yea its me. What happened?"

"I...don't know..." My head is now pounding.

"Where is (YN)?" Dark asks.

"Oh no...I don't know! They came back..."

"Yea and they knocked ya out cold."

I sit down against the wall and hug my knees to my chest. What have I done..."Man did I mess up big time..." I mumble to myself. "How did you even know I was here?" I motion around the small area.

"How did you know where Mark's car was parked." He asks me. "Get up."

I grunt, then stand up. "Where do I even start? I have no idea where she could be. And I don't know who those people were."

"Why don't we start at the club. That's where it started."

"I'm not going there. Anyway why would they go back? That's not smart." I say.

"I don't think I'd categorise them as smart...come on." Dark starts to walk back out to the road.

I wait a few seconds, then have to run to catch up. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Dark turns to me. "You want your girl back or not?"

My mind froze. My girl? "Uh..."

"Oh fuck it. I know your together. If not? You should be."

"Since when do you know so much about this? Your single?"

"I ain't blind moron." Dark laughs. "Here we are."

He opens the door and pushes me in. The place is still up and running. Surprisingly.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Four." He replies.


"Yea. Look." He points to the girl bartender. "Ain't she the same one?"

"Yea." I walk up to her. "Excuse me?"

She turns around. "Yea? We are about to close- were here last night yea? You both were. Wait... Where is (YN)?" She frowns.

"That's what we are here about." I tell her.

"OK...let me close up real quick."

I nod and watch her go over to a passed out guy, trying to wake him up.

"Wait!" I call out. That is one of them! "Don't wake him up. He is part of this." I tell her.

"Oh? OK then." She goes over to the doors and locks it. "Now. Spill it."

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now