Ch6 - New Memories

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Anti helps me take my bags downstairs and waits while I check out. He flags down a taxi and tells the driver the name of the restaurant.

"The Next Corner?" I ask as I buckle. "Sounds interesting."

"The place is interesting. But the food...oh its amazing." Anti says.

"I can't wait then!" I say, and my stomach voices its opinion, making both of us laugh.

The driver looks at us through the rear mirror. "I'm sorry if I'm wrong." He starts. "But are you a couple?"

My eyes widen in surprise. "Ah...."

Anti jumps in. "No, we aren't."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The driver says.

"No, your fine." Anti replies.

For some reason I can't look at Anti. I never thought of the that its come up...I...sorta like it...I mean he is really nice.

I watch out the window at all the cars, and people. "The world doesn't stop does it." I whisper. Then the tears come again. That was one of the last things I said to mom, face to face...

Anti leans over. "Are you OK?"

I nod and wipe away a tear. "Memories...that's all..."

"Ah...yes" he sighs and sits back looking out his window.

I open my window and lean my arms on the door, my chin resting on them and watch everything go by.

The rest of the short ride was quiet, except for the sounds of LA.

"Here you two go." The driver says, opening my door, then taking out my bags. "Have fun in there." He chuckles.

"Thank you." I tell him. Then turn to Anti as the taxi pulls away. "What did that mean?"

Anti only smiles. "You'll see."

Once inside I realise what he means. This was not a normal restaurant. Inside the door is where Anti paid, and where some lockers were, where I put my bags. Then trough the next a hall.

"What is this?" I ask as we walk down it.

There are other halls off of this one. "Is this a maze?"

"Yea, it is." Anti says.

"That's cool! Let's go!" I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him along through a doorway. "You've been here right? Where do we go?" I ask.

"Oh, nope. You're gonna do it." He laughs.

"Oh come on! I don't have all day!" I exclaim.

"I'll give you a clue... Your going the right direction." He says.

After a few more turns I can hear the faint sound of people talking and dishes clanking. I follow the sound and what I find is...well...unexpected.

"I've heard of crazy weird restaurants...but what the hell? Its chaos!" I laugh. The waiters are all dressed up, as if ready for comicon, or animé roll play!

Anti takes my hand and takes me to a table. Or...actually an upside down turtle. "This is so weird!" I giggle, touching the turtle table.

"It gets weirder." Anti says,handing me the menu.

There is a list of random things for dishes, not food...but the kind of plates and bowls!

"Spider plates? Sea shells? Wait...bathroom?" I ask.

Anti laughs. "Yea I know right?"

"I wanna do the bathroom...what do they have toilet bowls?"

"Yes. They actually do! And the silverware is of miniature toilet bowl cleaners, and I think toothbrushes?" He giggles.

"What?!" I laugh.

The waiter comes over, dressed as a Niko girl.

The next hour is of us making jokes about the food and dishes. Afterwards, my stomach was hurting from all the laughing.

When we were outside waiting for an empty taxi to stop, I suddenly got quiet. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to go to reality. I hug Anti.

"What's this for?" He asks, hugging back.

"I don't...wanna go." I mumble.

He sighs and pushes me to arms length, his hands on my shoulders. "You need to go. But, remember...that...we got each others numbers. Call me anytime. And...your always welcome to LA."

"Don't you live in...Ireland?" I ask.

"No, Sean does. I'm here."

"Then why are you in the hotel?"

Its closer to the convention, then where I am."

"Wait...why were you on the plane?"

"Got home from a trip." He shrugs.


A taxi stops and we get in. I tell the driver to take us to the Airport.

Once there, Anti and I hug again.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

"Glad I was there." He says.

"I'll be seeing ya." I say pulling away. "Bye."

"Hope so. Bye." He waves and watches me walk inside.

(Anti's p.o.v)

She is a nice girl. I really hope to see her again. I watch her till she disappears into a crowd, then head back to the taxi, giving the driver the hotel address.

I'm silent as we drive along. I just watch the world go by. It feels like I'm not really here. I know what she is going through. I've been there. Not with parents...who I never even knew...but with a close friend. A childhood friend.

I shudder at the memories. We knew all about each other, every secret. We knew each other for as long as we could remember...

It was at night. We both knew that we shouldn't had been out, just wandering the streets of LA. Not the best idea. I was in front of him as we passed an alleyway...I heard a gunshot.

I shut my eyes tightly. I don't wanna remember. I don't even know who did it. I didn't see anyone. And I couldn't call anyone. We were both trying to stay away from the cops, thanks to me leading several break ins.

I just ran. He was gone. I couldn't do anything about it.

Memories...I suppose everyone has their own dark ones. Now (YN) has some fresh ones.

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now