Ch4 - Chill It

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The guy punches Anti on the arm. Anti spins around with a yelp.

"Fooking hell!? Dark! really... You bastard..."

Dark smiles. Then looks at me and I freeze.

"This is (YN)" Mark says. "I'm gonna be dropping her off at the hotel. Oh, what is the name?" He asks me.

I tell him the name of the hotel, and Anti smiles. "That's where I'm at too."

"Well that makes it easier! Now I don't have to drop the bitch off someplace else!" Mark laughs, ducking as Anti attempts to smack him. "Let's go people. We got a tired one among us."

"Hay...I'm not that-" a huge yawn rudely interrupts me.

"You were saying?" Dark asks.

"Shut up..." I mumble and bump into him as we walk towards the exit. He bumps me back making me laugh.

"Yo, large crowd of people!" Sean says over is shoulder. "Don't knock each other into someone." He smiles.

Once we escape the crowd Dark looks back at them. "Fuck...a school trip or something?"

I shrug. "Maybe."

Once out in the parking garage Mark suddenly stops. "Of fuck..."

"You...forgot where you parked..." Sean mutters. "Wasn't it like the second level?"

Anti walks to the elevators. "No. It was the third level, parking spot F-9."

"That's creepy. But yes..." Mark says.

"How...?" I ask.

Dark chuckles. "Its just something he is good at."

We follow Anti into the elevator.

Wait! Ah, I need a picture of us all!" I yelp, grabbing my phone.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh... About that..." Dark starts. "Anti and I can't be in it. We don't want everyone knowing about us..."

"Would it help that I don't post things on the internet? It will only be seen, from my phone, by my parents and best friend? I won't send it out?" I make a puppy face. "Pleeeeeeease?"

Anti chuckles and pulls Dark over. "Yea, that's fine I guess." He says.

"Yay! OK a nice one then a random one!"

We pose and I take the picture, then we all do something weird for the next one, Sean jumps into Marks arms, Dark holds Anti in a choke hold, and I snap the picture, right when the doors open. Outside is an elderly couple, and a young mom with a baby in a stroller. All of which are stunned by our frozen poses.

We pile out, laughing. "That was awesome!" I gasp. "Thanks!"

"Hay no problem!" Anti says wrapping an arm around me. "Oh, my, you want me to take a suitcase?" He asks.

"No, you got your own!" I say nodding at his.

"Well I don't." Dark says, takings bag. Anti slightly frowns at him for some reason, but Dark didn't notice.

"Thanks." I tell him.

Mark pulls out his keys, I hear a car honk then see its lights turn on. Mark pops the trunk and waves a hand towards it.

Dark puts my bag in while I put in my other, Anti does the same.

Once we get out onto the road Mark turns on the radio. "Any specific station?"

Anti and I both say "how bout a CD?" We look at each other. "What do you have?" I laugh, fishing through my backpack. "I got a Skillet Unleashed CD." I say holding it up.

"Oh! Well never mind mine! Mark put this in!" Anti laughs, taking the CD from me.

"Alright." Mark says and puts it in.

I'm guessing about half way to the hotel, I start to nod. I'm so tired. I lean back and close my eyes. A sudden turn makes me fall over onto Anti.

"Oh, sorry..." I blush, sitting back up.

"Your fine." Anti smiles.

I try not to fall over onto him again, but as we turn another corner I'm back to leaning on his arm, passed out.

I wake up to Anti nudging me.

"Hay, wake up, we are here." He says.

I quickly sit up. Momentarily, forgetting where I am. "What?"

"The hotel?"

"Oh haha, sorry." I say, and groggily jump out of the car.

Dark hands me my bags, and Anti gets his.

"Alright, I'll be seeing ya later!" Mark says. "(YN) you get some sleep! You need it." He chuckles.

"Will do." I mumble, zoning out, watching an ant crawl past.

Everyone laughing snaps me out of it and I smile.

They pull away from the curb, as Anti and I head inside.

"You booked?"

I nod. "Fifth floor, 105." I say.

"Nice, good view up there. I'm on the sixth floor, room 159."

I give a small nod, then sign in.

I wait for Anti's he signs in, then we get in the elevator. When the door opens to the fifth floor I stumble out.

"You want me to help with the bags?" Anti asks.

"No...I'm fine, see ya!" I wave as the doors close.

I walk down the hall following the numbered doors around the corner.

98...99.......103...104...then 105.

Here it is... I fumble with the key and open the door. I shut and lock the door behind me, put my suitcases next to the bed, my backpack on the bed and flop down face first next to it.

"Ugh..." I groan into the pillow. Today? Was the best day of my life. I pull out my phone and call my mom.

"You there!?" She says.

" hello?" I giggle.

"Oh wow do you sound beat!" Dad says.

"Hay dad! Yea, I'm exhausted."

"Your on speakerphone." Mom tells me.

" fuck." I say.

"Didn't know that stuff could be holy..." Dad says.

"You won't believe who I met!"

"Don't tell me! I wanna guess!" Mom says. "You...met...Mark! Hahaha!"

"Mom... You are correct! I literally met Mark and Sean at the airport here!" I yelp.

"What!?" They both exclaim.

"Your kidding!?" Mom asks.

"Nope I'm not kidding! I did!" I giggle.

"That's crazy!" She exclaimed.

"I know right!? oh ouch...I gotta cut this short...headache..." I say, rubbing my temple.

"Oh, nice. Get some sleep!" Mom says.

"Thank you headache! You have made an opening for me to escape talking to some random teen out in LA!" Dad hollers.

"Hay! Wait, where are you escaping to?" I laugh.

"Me and your mom are going to have a date." He says.

"Well you two had fun. I'm gonna go." I say.

We say our goodbyes and I fall asleep.

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now