Ch11 - More?

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"Really?" I laugh.

I had given Dark a roll of gauze for his arm, and he just stands there as if he had no idea what to do with it.

"Do I need this?" He asks.

"Gimmy." I say, taking it from him. "Your arm has a gash... I think you do need it. Did you fall?" I ask, unrolling some and wrapping the wound.

"Yea...ah...chill there." He yelps.

"Ya big baby... Hold still." I say and tie the end. "There." I say patting it.

"Ouch!" He yelps, holding his arm away from me.

"Well... I think this night was spent...ya think?" I ask.

Anti sighs. "Defiantly... And I'm really sorry."

I cover his mouth. "Stop apologizing. Its fine. We are still alive yea?"

" could have been hurt." He says, pulling my hand away. "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if anything happened..."

"Just stop OK?" I whisper.

We look into each others eyes, the distance between us slowly closing.

"Ah....." Dark says. "I'll be out here..." He says heading for the door.

I pull back from Anti, blushing. "Oops..."

His eyes are still sparkling.

"Come on. We all need to get home." I look at my phones time. "Its literally two am..." I laugh.

We leave the restaurant, after I give the first aid box back.

"Have a goodnight." She smiles.

"Same to you...and thanks." I tell her.

"Glad to have been there to help." She smiles.

The tree of us step outside, glancing around, just in case. But we were the only ones on the sidewalk.

"Well...I'm gonna go." Dark says. "See ya...and stay away from there? Will ya?"

"Yea..." I say. "See ya." I wave as he starts to walk away. "And thanks again."

"Hay, no problem." He smiles.

"Ready to get home?" Anti asks.

"I'm so ready. And...hungry?" I laugh.

"Me too. How bout ordering pizza? Or going out for pizza."

"I...don't wanna stay out. I want a couch...or bed...or a trampoline would be good." I giggle, yawning.

"You...don't have furniture." Anti says.

"No...I don't do I...was gonna get some today...but..." I frown at him, pretending to be mad. "You owe me." I joke.

"Hm..." He looks away, thinking.

"What?" I ask.

He turns back to me. "I've got a bed and a couch..."

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"Wanna stay over for the night? I'll take the couch. And I can order the pizza." He smiles, his eyes seemingly glowing blue.

"Can you switch your eye to green? I like it better." I whisper as he closes the distance between us.

He chuckles and I watch the eye swirl, blue to green. He places his forehead on mine, and caresses my jaw line with his hand. His breath is warm against my face as his lips lightly brush against mine.

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now